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F for Fake - La realtà quando smetti di crederci non svanisce | pensieri e letture

Chiostro Nina Vinchi

The problem of pseudo-sciences and the concept of “truth” in science.

Distant Lights from Dark Places | reading


Teatro Grassi

A radiodrama by Andrew Bovell, a concerted piece for four characters

©Hugo Glendinning

Rewriting | Performance

Teatro Studio Melato

The creative process of the choreographer is presented as a form of slow and casual accumulation of meaning that emerges during the work itself. 

Ad vitam | performance / La normalità impossibile | pensieri


Teatro Grassi

The fine line between the normal and the pathological.

Child of Tree / Branches | Laboratorio per l'infanzia


Chiostro Nina Vinchi

The importance of the relationship between the sounds produced by the environment and the organic nature, without artificial instruments, of music.

Tramedautore | Alla festa di Romeo e Giulietta

Teatro Studio Melato

Benedetto Sicca joins Emanuele D’Errico for a joint writing project, with Alla festa di Romeo e Giulietta.

Tramedautore | Dall'altra parte. 2+2=?

Teatro Studio Melato

What is life like for three foetuses forced into the meagre space of their mother’s womb?

Tramedautore | Right

Teatro Studio Melato

A reflection on contemporary society, on ourselves, on our relationship with power and the trust we place in it.

Tramedautore | Figli di un Dio ubriaco

Teatro Strehler

A show that marks the return of Balletto Civile to Tramedautore, with a rich cast of performers aged between 9 and 76.

Tramedautore | Arturo

Teatro Grassi

A form of real-life theatre that, through the authenticity of the main characters, blurs the boundaries of entertainment.

A mitaa strada de quell gran viacc… | Dante e Carlo Porta tra musiche e versi


Teatro Studio Melato

Carlo Porta’s translation of Dante’s Inferno meets Schubert’s “Winterreise”, in celebration of the 700th anniversary of the death of Dante.

©Piero Tauro - Foto di Piero Tauro

Tramedautore | Les Miserables

Teatro Strehler

The caustic and knowing words are echoes of past legends and the slogans of the present that coldly describe our times.

Tramedautore | Il Bambolo

Teatro Grassi

Anorexia seen as a symptom of, and form of defence against, childhood abuse.

Tramedautore | La lucina

Teatro Grassi

An astonishing story full of mystery and consolation.

Tramedautore | Leviatano

Teatro Grassi

From “ordinary man” to gangster. How does social stupidity function?