For us, “An Art Theatre for All” also means a theatre that is inclusive and accessible to all. To this end, we are committed to improving and implementing services and activities through ongoing dialogue with our audiences.
A dedicated channel is available for specific information and requests. Write to accessibilita@piccoloteatromilano.it and our staff will get in touch.
Our spaces offer routes that are free of architectural barriers and are equipped with toilets for the disabled. The auditoriums have reserved spaces for spectators with visual, hearing or motor-related disabilities. The stalls at the Teatro Strehler have been designed to offer a magnetic induction amplification service for hearing loss or deafness.
The stalls at the Teatro Strehler have been designed to offer a magnetic induction amplification service for hearing loss or deafness.
Carriers of a Disability Card have the right to a 50% discount on the full ticket price for programmed shows.
If provided for by the Disability Card, the relative caregiver will have the right to free access.
Tickets can be reserved or purchased at the Teatro Strehler box office or by calling the box office line on +39 02 21126116.
A valid form of identity and the Disability Card must be shown when collecting the tickets.
In order to allow the appropriate service to be offered, spectators with motor-related disabilities are kindly asked to specify whether they use a wheelchair when reserving tickets.
Guide dogs are granted access if their presence is indicated when reserving or purchasing tickets.
Italian sign language translations
An Italian sign language translation service for deaf or hearing-impaired spectators.
Poetic audio descriptions
Audio descriptions played through headphones that provide an account of the show without neglecting the aspect of emotion, offering blind or visually impaired people the possibility to imagine and interpret the action on the stage.
Surtitles in Italian and/or English to favour the enjoyment and understanding of the show for deaf, hearing-impaired, foreign or non-mother-tongue Italian spectators.
➝ Storia di un cinghiale. Qualcosa su Riccardo III | 14 March–6 April
Performances on 5 and 6 April are surtitled in Italian and English
➝ Il vertice | 6–11 May
Multilingual show with Italian and English surtitles
Touch tour
A sensory tour with the guidance of our operators dedicated to blind and visually impaired spectators to explore the stage, the costumes and the props a few hours before the show begins.
Simplified kits
Detailed information provided in simple language, accessible for neurodivergent people and those with cognitive disabilities.
Help us become an ever-more accessible theatre: write to us with suggestions or reports at accessibilita@piccoloteatromilano.it.
We collaborate with: Associazione Al. Di. Qua. Artists – Alternative Disability Quality Artists; Associazione Culturale Fedora; Progetto “Teatro No Limits”, promoted and organized by Centro Diego Fabbri in Forlì, in collaboration with Associazione Incontri Internazionali Diego Fabbri APS and with the Department of Interpretation and Translation at the University of Bologna (Forlì Campus) with the support of SIAE (Società Italiana degli Autori e Editori); Spazio Aperto Servizi Società Cooperativa Sociale Onlus.
Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d’Europa is part of the Italian network of
Image: touch tour organised for the show Il barone rampante. Photo © Marta Cervone
Last updated March 2025