Your event at Piccolo
Have you ever considered a theatre as the ideal venue for your event?
This is the perfect way to give your project an original and unforgettable atmosphere, set in an ambiance rich with history, prestige and cultural importance. You will also be directly contributing to the support of the production and life of our institution.
Since 1998, the Piccolo Teatro has opened its auditoriums for the organisation of events, congresses, presentations, meetings, conventions, seminars, fashion shows and screenings.
Four theatres are available – as well as the numerous other spaces within the buildings – offering the chance to choose a location which offers the best possible space and access to form an ideal setting for your event.
Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d’Europa
The Teatro Strehler: 968 seats in total between stalls and balcony, 2 large foyers (one for the Stalls and one for the Balcony) for the welcoming of the audience on arrival, the organisation of reception and cloakroom services and the setting up of catering services.
Scatola Magica (Magic Box - Teatro Strehler): a theatre within the theatre, a space that “magically” appears in the foyer of the Teatro Strehler. 90 seats placed in the evocative atmosphere of the sets of Strehler’s shows.
The Teatro Grassi: 488 seats in total between Stalls and Balcony, a foyer for the welcoming of the audience on arrival, the organisation of reception and cloakroom services and the setting up of catering services.
Moreover, your event can also be organised in the wonderful Renaissance Cloister in Via Rovello, where conferences and screenings can be held and where you can take advantage of the excellent bar/cafeteria that can organise a tailor-made reception .
The Teatro Studio Melato: a circular theatre, with approximately 368 seats, a foyer for the welcoming of the audience on arrival, the organisation of reception and cloakroom services and the setting up of catering services.
Rehearsal Spaces: 5 rehearsal rooms can be surveyed and are available for your meetings and the preparation of your event.
In addition to the locations, the Piccolo Teatro can also offer, through the presence of its qualified personnel, the highest quality technical assistance for your event (audio, video, lighting and set design).
The theatre technicians are also on hand to provide a consultancy service in order to create the ideal setting to make your event unique and memorable.
The Scenic Construction Department is also available for the study, creation and assembly of personalised sets.
The following support services can be requested for cultural and congressional events: video projections, simultaneous translation, personalised catering services and much more.
The Costume Department can fabricate the highest quality costumes from your sketches and designs. The Piccolo Teatro also offers a rental service of the costumes created for the theatre’s shows: handcrafted clothes, made with high quality fabrics and attention to every minute detail, that have helped render the productions of the Piccolo Teatro unique and memorable worldwide.
The Department of Construction and Sets is available for the creation of your sets for commercial or artistic activities. Sets and props are also available for hire.
For more information and to view the locations please contact:
Production and Organisation Department Piccolo Teatro Milano
Teatro Strehler - Teatro Grassi – Teatro Studio
Andrea Barbato 02/72.333.262
e-mail barbatoa@piccoloteatromilano.it