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© LAC Lugano. Photo Luca Del Pia

La pulce nell’orecchio

Carmelo Rifici chooses a play by Georges Feydeau, an incredible interweaving of the most deranged and absurd situations

© Jean-Louis Fernandez


A wedding dress woven between two continents; a denouncement of violence and exploitation in the world of haute couture

© Nicolas Spiess

Le voci di Dante

A journey in the name of Dante and the unique cultural heritage represented by the Divine Comedy: Toni Servillo presents a show that takes on Dante’s work through an original interpretation by one of the most important contemporary Italian writers, Giuseppe Montesano.

© Valentina Summa

Les jours de mon abandon / I giorni dell’abbandono

Gaia Saitta stages the novel by Elena Ferrante, the story of a woman and her journey of liberation and self-affirmation

Mein Kampf

100 years on from Mein Kampf, Massini stages Hitler’s delirium to ensure that conscience impedes history from repeating itself

Memory of Mankind

In this new show, Marcus Lindeen reflects on time, on memory and on the way in which humanity creates its own memory

© Kornél Mundruczó / Proton Theatre


Kornél Mundruczó / Proton Theatre

Is identity a privilege or a burden? Three generations placed side by side to express the search for identity in contemporary Hungary

© Masiar Pasquali

Re Chicchinella

With an apologue on hypocrisy and greed, Emma Dante ends her journey through Lo cunto de li cunti by Basile

© Marta Cervone

Sei personaggi in cerca di followers

Pirandello’s classic comes to secondary schools to encourage teenagers to reflect on the falsehoods that they encounter in daily life, from social networks to fake news

Soheyl Bastami, The Fighter


Pier Lorenzo Pisano provides a contemporary re-reading of the most well-known Western saga: the cycle of the Trojan War

© Masiar Pasquali

Sogno di una notte di mezza estate

(commento continuo)

Carmelo Rifici directs a cast of young actors in a contemporary re-reading of one of Shakespeare’s classics

Storia di un cinghiale

Qualcosa su Riccardo III

The Uruguayan author and director Gabriel Calderón brings to the stage his reflection on power and theatre. Protagonist Francesco Montanari

© Masiar Pasquali

Tre modi per non morire

Baudelaire, Dante, i Greci

Through three texts by Giuseppe Montesano, Toni Servillo leads audiences on a journey through poetry, allowing them to once again feel alive

© Claudia Pajewski


A blend of presences and absences, humans and animals, the living and the dead, lacasadargilla encounters the ghosts and the fears that live within us

© Newell Convers Wyeth

Works and Days

Inspired by the poem by Hesiod, the new play by the FC Bergman collective is a reflection on the relationship between humanity and the Earth