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©Giuseppe Distefano

maggio '43 – URBANA New Living

Davide Enia tells of 1943, a crucially important year for Palermo and its people, discovering that those dark times tragically resemble our present.

©Giuseppe Distefano

maggio ‘43


Chiostro Nina Vinchi

Davide Enia tells of 1943, a crucially important year for Palermo and its people, discovering that those dark times tragically resemble our present.

L’umano nell’uomo


Chiostro Nina Vinchi

Sonia Bergamasco reads two stories by Vasilij Grossman, “possibly the best voice for us in Milan today”.

©Filippo Milani

Edipo Re di Sofocle


Chiostro Nina Vinchi

Gabriele Lavia returns to the Piccolo with a reading dedicated to Oedipus. The tragedy of the man driven to ruin by the desire for knowledge.

©Marco Borrelli



Chiostro Nina Vinchi

People, places, episodes: on the backdrop of live music by Paolo Jannacci, Massini tells stories both great and small from daily life.

Festival MIX Milano


Teatro Strehler

Cancelled Event
The MIX Milano Festival of gay and lesbian cinema and queer culture proposes one of the most important international reviews of themed theatre.



Teatro Grassi

Cancelled Event
A new production by the Carlo Colla & Figli Company dedicated to the most famous puppet of all time: Pinocchio.

©Jan Versweyveld

Il giardino dei ciliegi


Teatro Strehler

The English director Simon McBurney returns to the Piccolo with a new production by Chekhov, created for the lively Dutch cultural scene.

Il comandante delle cause perse


Teatro Studio Melato

Cancelled Event
From Homer to Enzo Jannacci, all the characters from a new comic “poem” staged by Paolo Rossi.

Ute Lemper. Rendez-vous with Marlene


Teatro Strehler

Cancelled Event

A show born from the encounter between two legends: Ute Lemper pays tribute to Marlene Dietrich, an extraordinary artist and woman.

©Marco Caselli Nirmal

L’anima buona del Sezuan


Teatro Grassi

Cancelled Event
Through song, acting and music, Elena Bucci and Marco Sgrosso stage Brecht’s tale in search of the “good” and “bad” in humanity.

I due gemelli veneziani


Teatro Strehler

One of Goldoni’s masterpieces. Both a great source of entertainment and a black farce, directed by Valter Malosti.

L’amaca di domani


Teatro Studio Melato

Cancelled Event

Michele Serra draws the reader into his collection of writings with an ironic and sentimental theatrical performance.

©Rudy Amisano

Scuola di Ballo dell’Accademia Teatro alla Scala


Teatro Strehler

Cancelled Event
The pupils of the Accademia Teatro alla Scala Ballet School perform masterpieces of classic and contemporary choreography.

©Luca Del Pia

Quando la vita ti viene a trovare


Teatro Studio Melato

Cancelled Event
Enzo Vetrano and Stefano Randisi stage an “impossible” dialogue between Lucretius and Seneca and their opposing concepts of the world.