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Caravansaray Selinunte San Siro


Teatro Grassi

Caravansaray Selinunte San Siro is an artistic and social project that has been created in the community. 


Tramedautore – Maratona podcast. Le mani sul mondo

Teatro Strehler

Roberto Saviano concludes the Tramedautore Podcast Marathon with Le mani sul mondo, his first podcast produced in collaboration with,


Tramedautore – Maratona podcast

The last day of Tramedutore is dedicated to podcasts, a format that is increasingly present in our cultural connections.


©Manuela Giusto

Tramedautore – Taddrarite

Teatro Grassi

Three sisters, united in mourning, find the courage to admit and confess the domestic violence they have suffered.

Tramedautore – La calciAttrice

Teatro Grassi

From footballer to the stage: Lucia Mallardi recounts the life experiences that led her to both the football pitch and the stage.


Tramedautore – Reading Ostermaier/Spregelburd

Chiostro Nina Vinchi

The reading combines poems by Ostermaier, one of the most interesting writers on the German scene, and texts by the Argentine dramaturg and director Spregelburd.

©Effetre Fotostudio

Tramedautore – Le mille e una notte

Teatro Grassi

An exhibition and three shows to relive the wonders of the Arabian Nights stories through the use of different languages.

Tramedautore – Naufragium – Uno studio

Teatro Grassi

The anger-ridden and highly dynamic story of those that came after 1968. A re-thinking of contemporary political passion.


Tramedautore – Ultima spiaggia

Chiostro Nina Vinchi

A chance encounter, a photography, memories that resurface and bring with them people and places that never cease to be dangerous.

©Guido Mencari

Tramedautore – Questa lettera sul pagliaccio morto

Teatro Grassi

The story of a life that is ending, told to a train driver who has run over a man.

Tramedautore – Freetime

Teatro Studio Melato

An irreverent and impartial work that looks back over the last ten years of history, beginning with the collapse of Lehman Brothers.

©Manuela Giusto

Tramedautore – Stranieri

Teatro Grassi

Tramedautore opens its XX edition with a tribute to Antonio Tarantino, presenting one of his most powerful and mysterious works.

©Luca Del Pia



Chiostro Nina Vinchi

Elio De Capitani narrates Frankenstein, the masterpiece of Gothic literature by Mary Shelley.

Teatro fra parentesi - mare culturale urbano

Marco Paolini returns to the origins of his work with an Album of short stories from the past and present.

©Gianluca Moretto

Teatro fra parentesi


Chiostro Nina Vinchi

Marco Paolini returns to the origins of his work with an Album of short stories from the past and present.