Plants appear to have a “decentralised brain”, smelling, listening, communicating and learning.
Posti esauriti.
Worktable is a live installation, which will remain open to spectators for a number of days.
“The Madrigali di rivolta – explains Davide Enia – are songs and stories full of anger and desperation".
Sold out.
An unpredictable journey through the universe of plants.
Sold out.
“The Madrigali di rivolta – explains Davide Enia – are songs and stories full of anger and desperation".
“The Madrigali di rivolta – explains Davide Enia – are songs and stories full of anger and desperation".
Sold out.
Europeana will seem the most suitable book for describing our species at the dawn of the third millennium.
from 7 p.m.
Sotterraneo, collettivo di ricerca teatrale, incontra Maura Gancitano.
“The Madrigali di rivolta – explains Davide Enia – are songs and stories full of anger and desperation".
“The Madrigali di rivolta – explains Davide Enia – are songs and stories full of anger and desperation".
Three new stories in the form of a melologue for words, music and images.
The problem of pseudo-sciences and the concept of “truth” in science.
A radiodrama by Andrew Bovell, a concerted piece for four characters
The creative process of the choreographer is presented as a form of slow and casual accumulation of meaning that emerges during the work itself.
The fine line between the normal and the pathological.