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Tramedautore - Opera sentimentale

Teatro Grassi

The text by Camilla Mattiuzzo, winner of the NdN, tells the semi-true story of a family which has lost control.

Tramedautore – Petronia

Teatro Grassi

A funny and bitter play that examines the imagination as the only force capable of revolutionising our lives.

©Renee Altrov

Tramedautore - Physics and Phantasma

Teatro Grassi

The protagonist is fantasy: a human vocation with enormous revolutionary potential, that allows us to understand ourselves and the world.

©Gabriele Acerboni

Tramedautore – Più carati

Teatro Grassi

A bag full of money and three friends who “scrape a living”. What should they do? A choice between ethics and honesty.

Tramedautore – A play with four actors and some pigs...

Teatro Grassi

"Tramedautore" plays host to one of the most interesting artists from Kosovo, Jeton Neziarj, with an exhilarating play on the bureaucratic maze.

Tramedautore - Quando il sale non era l’unico fiore

Teatro Grassi

A poetic and cruel story on childhood and adulthood, but above all on that crucial passage between two fundamental moments in life.

©Guido Mencari

Tramedautore – Questa lettera sul pagliaccio morto

Teatro Grassi

The story of a life that is ending, told to a train driver who has run over a man.

©Pino Le Pera

Tramedautore - I ragazzi del cavalcavia

Teatro Grassi

The anger, resentment and frustration of youth lost in the no-man’s-land of the suburbs, where the only distraction is boredom.

Tramedautore – Reading Ostermaier/Spregelburd

Chiostro Nina Vinchi

The reading combines poems by Ostermaier, one of the most interesting writers on the German scene, and texts by the Argentine dramaturg and director Spregelburd.

Tramedautore | Right

Teatro Studio Melato

A reflection on contemporary society, on ourselves, on our relationship with power and the trust we place in it.

©Michela Tollin

Tramedautore – Sister(s). Miraggio su strada qualunque

Teatro Grassi

A paradoxical tale of the thirty-something generation, a world which is real and at the same time dreamlike, set in provincial Italy.

Tramedautore - Stop Acting Now – Extended Edition

Teatro Grassi

A reflection on the importance of its role and its commitment: can the theatre change the world?

Tramedautore – Storia di Giulietta

Teatro Grassi

Giulietta and her mother, expelled from Gaddafi’s Libya as “Italians”, return to a home that they have never known.