Un format sonoro e performativo per Franco Quadri, a 10 anni dalla scomparsa del grande critico e editore teatrale milanese

The fine line between the normal and the pathological.

Vita immaginaria di Antonio Neiwiller
1948 > 1993 > ∞
A multicentric artist who was almost completely unrecognised during his lifetime, the figure of Antonio Neiwiller is now acquiring a new, prophetic, dimension

MITO SettembreMusica 2023
The theme of the city is at the center of the 17th edition of the Festival that connects Milan and Turin in the name of music

Six actors guided by Christoph Marthaler come together to prepare a meeting at the summit. Will they succeed?

A study on both civil society and poetry that takes its cue from the Madrigals by Monteverdi

A passing of the baton between two grande dames of the stage: Lella Costa accepts the invitation from Franca Valeri to perform La vedova Socrate.

A passing of the baton between two women of the stage: Lella Costa accepts the invitation from Franca Valeri to perform La vedova Socrate.