A voyage through fantasy and reality, in which shadow and light are the symbols of our fears, our desires, and our thirst for knowledge.

De Rosa stages Seneca’s Phaedra, contaminating it with Euripides’s Hippolytus and with excerpts of the great Latin author’s correspondence.

Un concerto interamente dedicato alla "new generation" del Jazz legata ad Alfamusic, attenta alla promozione dei nuovi talenti della scena nazionale

Is mankind ready for free will? One of the most disturbing of Dostoyevsky’s chapters in an original theatrical staging.

A naked stage, outlined by a backdrop and six wings. In a ring of hell, actor sinners walk a circle entwined together.

Teatro Strehler - Scatola Magica
A frog and a princess to the rhythm of swing and jazz, and a Little Red Riding Hood who faces up to the forest and her fears of growing up.

Memories, the unsaid, regrets for a lost world, the impossibility of coming to terms with the present. A heart-rending Chekhov.

A classic of Eduardo’s comedy, performed by a cast of excellent Neapolitan actors. The return of Luca De Filippo’s last production.

Bergamasco-Fracassi-Ragonese: based on Balzac, dramaturgy by Massini, a journey through the labyrinth of femininity.

Eden, Shirin and Mina: three women, three religions, three lives in the middle-eastern time-bomb. The story of a conciliation which may be impossible.

La serata dedicata alla storia del jazz ripropone i momenti salienti del concerto che Benny Goodman tenne alla Carnegie Hall di New York nel 1938.

The pupils of the Accademia Teatro alla Scala Ballet School return to the Piccolo: a not to be missed date with the étoiles of the future.

Sandro Cerino, la Civica Jazz Band e Laura Fedele in un concerto dedicato a Napoli.

For “Milano per Gaber”, Ale & Franz take to the stage with a show inspired by Gaber and Jannacci, artists whose thoughts are as alive as ever.

The journies of Mahama and Saif in search of their lost children concludes the Trilogia del Naufragio. Mourning creates two new refugees.