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Galline Autolesioniste Declamano Dubitazioni Amletiche

(la sublime follia del mondo di Carlo Emilio Gadda)

Teatro Grassi

The world of Carlo Emilio Gadda, a sublime exponent of Italian language, is the magnificent obsession of Fabrizio Gifuni

©Marina Alessi



Teatro Studio Melato

A monologue-confession by Paolo Giordano tells of the adventurous life of the mathematician Évariste Galois. The role is played by Fabrizio Falco.


Gardenia – 10 years later


Teatro Strehler

One of the events celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Teatro Franco Parenti, an international “cult”, a tender, fun and moving play

©Viktor Vassiliev

A German Life


Teatro Grassi

Franca Nuti plays Brunhilde Pomsel, secretary to Goebbels and a witness to the horrors of Nazism, in the work by the Oscar winner Christopher Hampton.

©Francesco Cataldo

Giacomino e Mammà


Teatro Grassi

Old age is an advantage which comes too late. The only way to take advantage of this situation is to share it with others.

©Jan Versweyveld

Il giardino dei ciliegi


Teatro Strehler

The English director Simon McBurney returns to the Piccolo with a new production by Chekhov, created for the lively Dutch cultural scene.

© Gianluca Pantaleo

Il giardino dei ciliegi

Progetto Čechov, terza tappa


Teatro Strehler

A place of memory, as fundamental and ephemeral as Theatre: Leonardo Lidi arrives at the final stage of his Progetto Čechov

Giochi di ottone

MITO SettembreMusica 2022

Teatro Studio Melato

The Teatro Studio Melato sees the return of the concerts from the MITO festival, in an edition dedicated to light; light of reason, of the spirit, of rebirth...

©Laila Pozzo

Gioele Dix. Gaber and Luporini’s unpublished


Teatro Grassi

Gioele Dix presents some interesting unpublished pieces of Gaber and Luporini’s repertoire, both in prose and music

©Luca Del Pia

La gioia


Teatro Strehler

The new play by Pippo Delbono is dedicated to joy, seen as an infinite search to be made by actors and audiences together.

©Philippe Stirnweiss