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La poesia degli alberi | Reading

Chiostro Nina Vinchi

An evening of readings dedicated to the Poetry of the trees. An anthology of works on trees, shrubs and a few climbing plants.

©Masiar Pasquali

Un ingresso secondario. Storie e protagonisti da Palazzo Carmagnola al Piccolo Teatro


Teatro Grassi

A journey to explore the interior of the building in Via Rovello 2 in the company of characters from its history.

©Foto Luigi Ciminaghi - Foto di Luigi Ciminaghi

La Milanesiana | Giorgio Strehler, ragazzo di 100 anni

Teatro Strehler

La Milanesiana rende omaggio a Giorgio Strehler

Una divina commedia


Teatro Grassi

As part of the celebrations for the 700th anniversary of the death of Dante, the Carlo Colla & Figli company takes on the fantastic journey of the Divine Comedy.



Teatro Strehler

Massimo Popolizio gives body and voice to John Steinbeck’s unforgettable masterpiece, The Grapes of Wrath, an adaptation by Emanuele Trevi.

©Foto di Masiar Pasquali - Foto di Masiar Pasquali



Teatro Studio Melato

Antonio Latella presents “his” Hamlet, the prince of failure and ambiguity. “Hamlet is neither black nor white, it walks the line”.

©Giuseppe Distefano

maggio '43


Teatro Grassi

Davide Enia tells of 1943m a crucially important year for Palermo and its people, discovering that those dark times tragically resemble our present.

Stefano Massini | Manuale di sopravvivenza

Teatro Strehler

Stefano Massini, con la complicità di Paolo Jannacci, racconta il suo nuovo libro Manuale di sopravvivenza. Messaggi in bottiglia d’inizio millennio 

©Foto Manuela Giusto - Foto di Foto Manuela Giusto

Variazioni enigmatiche


Teatro Strehler

A game of chess, a psychological thriller, an encounter-clash between two men united by a woman.

©Andrea Macchia

Nel lago del cor


Teatro Grassi

A journey through the hell of the concentration camps and the Holocaust, and the fight to escape from a nightmare with the hope of once more being able to live.

©Luca Manfrini

Antichi Maestri


Teatro Grassi

Tiezzi and Lombardi stage one of Bernhard’s last novels, a hard-hitting critique of the symbol of hypocrisy: humans.

©© LAC, Foto Studio Pagi - Foto di Foto Studio Pagi

Macbeth, le cose nascoste


Teatro Strehler

Carmelo Rifici directs a Macbeth with a Jungian twist, exploring the interiority of the actors and spectators.

A German Life


Teatro Grassi

Franca Nuti plays Brunhilde Pomsel, secretary to Goebbels and a witness to the horrors of Nazism, in the work by the Oscar winner Christopher Hampton.

©foto di Masiar Pasquali - Foto di Masiar Pasquali

Ladies Football Club


Teatro Studio Melato

In this piece by Massini, Maria Paiato tells of the battle waged by eleven English women workers for the right to play football during the Great War.

A questa comunità abbiamo dato il nome di polis

Teatro Strehler

Il Piccolo riapre le porte alla città  con un progetto di drammaturgia collettiva coordinato da Paolo Di Paolo