Through theatre, circus, dance, James Thierrée brings to the Piccolo a phantasmagorical pantomime which is a product of his original poetic universe.
Jacopo Gassmann directs a piece by the Spanish Juan Mayorga on the relationship between a professor and a student.
Pasolini’s 1955 novel becomes a play directed by Massimo Popolizio, with dramaturgy by Emanuele Trevi, starring Lino Guanciale.
Orsini and Branciaroli, the two “Sunshine Boys” of Italian theatre, in the play by Neil Simon and directed by Massimo Popolizio
Valerio Binasco directs Jon Fosse. He is joined on stage by Pamela Villoresi, Michele Di Mauro, Giordana Faggiano and Isabella Ferrari
An account which brings together history and popular culture in recollection of one of the most tragic events in Nazi occupation.
60 years on from Vajont, Marco Paolini returns to the stage with a classic play from his repertoire
Eduardo’s masterpiece returns to the stage, directed by Marco Tullio Giordana. A play about life, both real and behind a mask.
Il Piccolo riapre le porte alla città con un progetto di drammaturgia collettiva coordinato da Paolo Di Paolo
Cancelled Event
Enzo Vetrano and Stefano Randisi stage an “impossible” dialogue between Lucretius and Seneca and their opposing concepts of the world.
Neri Marcoré tells the story of the “Mundial dimenticato” (the forgotten world cup”), played in Patagonia.
Quando sarò capace di amare
Estate fuori scena
Stefano Massini offers his very personal and authoritative tribute to Giorgio Gaber
Quando sarò capace di amare
Stefano Massini offers this very personal and authoritative tribute to Giorgio Gaber with the Orchestra Multietnica di Arezzo