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Iliade, mito e guerra


Teatro Studio Melato

The Iliad is a poem that speaks of war and exalts the military virtues of its heroes. It is also the story of all of the people involved in a war.

©Masiar Pasquali

Alice nel paese delle meraviglie


Teatro Strehler - Scatola Magica

The Scatola Magica at the Teatro Strehler becomes Wonderland where, together with young audiences, Alice suddenly finds herself.

©Umberto Favretto



Teatro Strehler

Franco Branciaroli re-stages a play which is a cornerstone of Italian theatre: Luca Ronconi’s Medea, in which he performed in 1996. 

Acting Out - A compact Coriolanus


Teatro Studio Melato

The adaptation of Shakespeare’s tragedy into an ironic and entertaining comedy on the themes of bullying and integration into a group.

Milano per Gaber 2018 - Destra, sinistra o... Giorgio Gaber

Teatro Grassi

L’onorevole Graziano Delrio, grande fan di Giorgio Gaber, inaugura la rassegna dedicata al Signor G con un incontro sulla politica come partecipazione

Milano per Gaber

Teatro Strehler

Esponenti di varie generazioni del jazz italiano al femminile eseguiranno proprie composizioni con la Civica Jazz Band diretta da Enrico Intra.

Milano per Gaber 2018 - Destra, sinistra o... Giorgio Gaber

Teatro Grassi

<p>L’onorevole <strong>Graziano Delrio</strong>, grande fan di <strong>Giorgio Gaber</strong>, inaugura la rassegna dedicata al Signor G con un incontro sulla politica come partecipazione</p>

Milano per Gaber 2018 - Gaber-Fossati "Le donne di ora"

Teatro Grassi

Presentation of the new album by Ivano Fossati, Le donne di ora, dedicated to Giorgio Gaber. Massimo Bernardi takes part in the meeting.

Milano per Gaber 2018 - Polli di allevamento

Teatro Grassi

A tribute to the Theatre-Song by Giorgio Gaber and Sandro Luporini: Giorgio Casale gives his voice and his body to the intelligent Mr. G's humour.

Milano per Gaber 2018 - Instant Theatre

Teatro Grassi

Enrico Bertolino dedicates a chapter of his Instant Theatre to Giorgio Gaber, beginning with a piece from the nineties, La sedia da spostare

©Marco Caselli Nirmal



Teatro Grassi

The scientists Bohr, his wife, and Heisenberg meet to clarify the mystery surrounding their meeting in Nazi-occupied Copenhagen.

©Sanne Peper

The year of cancer


Teatro Strehler

An impossible love. Two lovers who can neither live together nor apart, in a vortex of intimacy and distance, life and death.

©Andrea Macchia

Chorós il luogo dove si danza


Teatro Studio Melato

Sixteen young actors and actresses present themselves to the world, as professionals and contemporary artists, as men and women of the present. 

©Stefano Fortunati

Questi fantasmi!


Teatro Strehler

Eduardo’s masterpiece returns to the stage, directed by Marco Tullio Giordana. A play about life, both real and behind a mask.

©Giulio Favotto

Socrate il sopravvissuto/come le foglie


Teatro Studio Melato

School and the forming of conscience presented through philosophy and tragedy.