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©Masiar Pasquali

Alice nel paese delle meraviglie


Teatro Strehler - Scatola Magica

La storia della celebre ragazzina e dei suoi celebri incontri in uno spettacolo che intreccia recitazione e immagini.

©Norman Rinaldi

Alla caccia del Teatro – Benvenuti al Piccolo


Teatro Strehler - Scatola Magica

Due attori–esploratori sono alle prese con un mistero: qual è il tesoro più prezioso che si può trovare all'interno di un teatro?



Teatro Studio Melato

A vital and impetuous show featuring the young inmates of the Beccaria juvenile prison in Milan, and the actors from the Puntozero company.

©Diego Ciminaghi

Arlecchino servitore di due padroni


Teatro Grassi

Streher’s Harlequin takes to the stage at the Teatro Grassi. Every season sees the rebirth of the play which has become a legend.

©Luca Del Pia

Avevo un bel pallone rosso


Teatro Studio Melato

The relationship between Margherita (known as Mara) Cagol and her father, from the mountains to the secrecy of the Red Brigades.


Baile de Autor

Teatro Strehler

Manuel Liñan, Premio Nacional de Danza 2017, presents his new show which is a preview of the summer event, the Milano Flamenco Festival.

©Stefania Mantelli



Teatro Strehler

The pupils of the Scala’s Ballet School dance a classic in the version created by Frédéric Olivieri to the music of Prokofiev.

Ci avete rotto il caos


Teatro Studio Melato

A hard, touching and real play which is staged - and lived - by inmates from Bollate prison.

Concerto per Amleto


Teatro Strehler

Fabrizio Gifuni pays tribute to Hamlet, in which the words of Shakespeare are interwoven with the powerful musical fresco by Shostakovich.

©Masiar Pasquali

Cuore di cane


Teatro Grassi

Bulgakov comes to the theatre. Giorgio Sangati directs Sandro Lombardi and Paolo Pierobon in the stage version by Stefano Massini.

Di forme mutate in corpi nuovi


Teatro Studio Melato

Theatre, movement, music and visual arts, to talk of an important theme for humanity: change, metamorphosis, the key to evolution.

©Umberto Favretto

Dio ride. Nish Koshe


Teatro Grassi

Moni Ovadia returns to the Piccolo with a new show with the old wandering Jewish man: stories, song, music and reflections.

©Donato Aquaro

Don Giovanni


Teatro Strehler

Valerio Binasco takes on Don Giovanni, a timeless legend which has been seducing audiences from all over the world for centuries.

Don Giovanni di Mozart secondo l’Orchestra di Piazza Vittorio


Teatro Strehler

The most multi-ethnic orchestra in Italy in a glamorous and iconoclastic Don Giovanni, with Petra Magioni in the leading role.

©Fabio Esposito



Teatro Grassi

In a rehearsal room, master and apprentice search for the emotions of the character, while in the world outside, there are the sinister echoes of war.