Written by Pietro Conversano in 1996, inspired by Orazio Costa, to whom he was both apprentice and collaborator, the play tells of the biographical and spiritual life of Francesco through a linguistic tapestry which weaves together the original language of Jacopone of Todi with the various dialects of the youngsters. The play is further enriched by the SanpaSingers, the community chorus, thus bringing to the stage over 35 young artists between actors and singers.
Teatro Studio Melato
The Compagnia di San Patrignano returns to the Piccolo with Francesco Povero, an original piece written by the author and director Pietro Conversano in 1996 and inspired by Orazio Costa who was his pupil and collaborator.
The biographical and spiritual parable of Francesco is presented via a linguistic plot which weaves the original Jacoponic language, as was Costa’s desire, with the various dialects of the youngsters, to create an alternative “sacred representation”, a concise and dry portrait, free of rhetoric and emphasis. The play is enriched by the participation of the SanpaSingers, the community choir, thus bringing onstage over 35 young artists between actors and singers. Music and theatre come together for Francesco’s universal message which coincides so well with the experiences of the youngsters of San Patrignano during their period of recovery from drug addiction.
Duration: One hour and 15 minutes
The Compagnia di San Patrignano returns to the Piccolo with Francesco Povero, an original piece written by the author and director Pietro Conversano in 1996 and inspired by Orazio Costa who was his pupil and collaborator.
The biographical and spiritual parable of Francesco is presented via a linguistic plot which weaves the original Jacoponic language, as was Costa’s desire, with the various dialects of the youngsters, to create an alternative “sacred representation”, a concise and dry portrait, free of rhetoric and emphasis. The play is enriched by the participation of the SanpaSingers, the community choir, thus bringing onstage over 35 young artists between actors and singers. Music and theatre come together for Francesco’s universal message which coincides so well with the experiences of the youngsters of San Patrignano during their period of recovery from drug addiction.
Duration: One hour and 15 minutes
Piccolo Teatro Studio Melato
10 September 2015 (h. 7.30 pm) and 11 September (h. 8.30 pm) 2015
Francesco povero
written and directed by Pietro Conversano
original music by Mario Mariani
choir director Marco Galli
costumes by Ivana Pantaleo
and by the girls of San Patrignano Chiara, Babi, Noemi, Sofia, Elisa, Freancesca, Ludovica, Debora, Franci
accordions and percusssion Benedetto e Lucia Bertaccini, Paolo Boetti
vocal coach Alessandra Bosco
with Compagnia San Patrignano & SanpaSingers
with the support Fondazione Silvio Tronchetti Provera
The play will be in italian. A printed synopsis in Italian and English will be distributed to the audience