Starting with Homer's "Iliad", which narrates the Trojan War, mother and metaphor for all conflicts, the show retraces the historical path which links myth, epic, and narration to the present: because, even if times, eras and wars change, the themes regarding mankind are destined to always remain the same.
Teatro Strehler - Scatola Magica
The verses of Homer seen through the eyes of the archaeologist Heinrich Schiemann, famous for having discovered the mythical city of Troy, will allow the discovery of the places that were the theatre for the most legendary war in history and will bring to life the spectres of all the wars it generated. As well as recounting the facts contained in the poem, the show retraces the historical path that links myth, epic and narration to the present: the language changes, the forms of communication change, the wars change, but the themes which regard mankind are destined never to grow old.
Duration: One hour and 15 minutes
The verses of Homer seen through the eyes of the archaeologist Heinrich Schiemann, famous for having discovered the mythical city of Troy, will allow the discovery of the places that were the theatre for the most legendary war in history and will bring to life the spectres of all the wars it generated. As well as recounting the facts contained in the poem, the show retraces the historical path that links myth, epic and narration to the present: the language changes, the forms of communication change, the wars change, but the themes which regard mankind are destined never to grow old.
Duration: One hour and 15 minutes
Piccolo Teatro Strehler/Scatola Magica
from 7 to 29 January and from 8 to 11 March 2016
Iliade, mito e guerra (The Iliad, myth and war)
from Omero
dramaturgy by Giovanna Scardoni
with Nicola Ciaffoni
directed by Stefano Scherini
light designer Anna Merlo
sets by Gregorio Zurla, costumes by Giada Masi
artistic collaboration Linda Faccenda
a Piccolo Teatro di Milano - Teatro d'Europa production
in collaboration with Associazione Culturale Mitmacher
From Monday to Friday at 10.30 am (for schools)
Monday 11 January 2016 10.30 am and 8.30 pm
Saturday and Sunday no performances
The show is recommended for children aged 11 and upwards