In a dark and silent Venice, against the backdrop of a strange Carnival, Goldoni tells the story of two families struggling with the vice of gambling, and a widow who pulls the strings in this game. In a whirlwind of misunderstandings, jealousy and moments of comedy alternated with episodes of drama, Goldoni paints the picture of a corrupt and impoverished middle-class, in a Venice in decline.
Teatro Studio Melato
Le donne gelose returns to the stage after the great success of last season, directed by Giorgio Sangati. The first play to have been written by Goldoni completely in Venetian dialect, it tells the story of life in a Venetian neighbourhood where, during the last days of Carnival, a decadent micro-cosmos of shop-owners and merchants lead themselves to ruin at the gaming tables in the shadows of illicit gabling venues.
“it is a closed world - explains Sangati - claustrophobic, without contact with the world outside.
Human relationships are wretched, hypocritical; the relationships corrosive, mouldy, permanently conditioned by money; the intimacy is squalid, characterised by insults and beatings. The cult of money and an obsession with gambling reigns: in fact only fate can lighten the anxiety of falling (again) into misery, but it is only a temporary respite for a world whose destiny is set. Nobody works, but energy is spent, everyone hurries, they chase and consume each other, without ever finding a way out, as though in a labyrinth where one twists and turns to end up exactly where they started”. In an unusual Venice; dark, silent and at times surreal, set to the music of “tema della follia”, the plotting of the widow Lugrezia dismantle and re-assemble the existence of two families, in a whirlwind of grotesque misunderstandings, where the laughter has the black shadings of farce.
Duration: three hours with an intermission
Le donne gelose returns to the stage after the great success of last season, directed by Giorgio Sangati. The first play to have been written by Goldoni completely in Venetian dialect, it tells the story of life in a Venetian neighbourhood where, during the last days of Carnival, a decadent micro-cosmos of shop-owners and merchants lead themselves to ruin at the gaming tables in the shadows of illicit gabling venues.
“it is a closed world - explains Sangati - claustrophobic, without contact with the world outside.
Human relationships are wretched, hypocritical; the relationships corrosive, mouldy, permanently conditioned by money; the intimacy is squalid, characterised by insults and beatings. The cult of money and an obsession with gambling reigns: in fact only fate can lighten the anxiety of falling (again) into misery, but it is only a temporary respite for a world whose destiny is set. Nobody works, but energy is spent, everyone hurries, they chase and consume each other, without ever finding a way out, as though in a labyrinth where one twists and turns to end up exactly where they started”. In an unusual Venice; dark, silent and at times surreal, set to the music of “tema della follia”, the plotting of the widow Lugrezia dismantle and re-assemble the existence of two families, in a whirlwind of grotesque misunderstandings, where the laughter has the black shadings of farce.
Duration: three hours with an intermission
Piccolo Teatro Studio Melato, from 13 to 29 October 2016
Le donne gelose (Jealous women)
by Carlo Goldoni
directed by Giorgio Sangati
sets Marco Rossi; costumes Gianluca Sbicca, lighting Claudio De Pace
make-up and hairstyles Aldo Signoretti
with (in alphabetical order) Fausto Cabra, Leonardo De Colle, Federica Fabiani, Elisa Fedrizzi, Ruggero Franceschini, Sara Lazzaro, Sergio Leone, David Meden, Daniele Molino, Nicolò Parodi, Valentina Picello, Marta Richeldi, Sandra Toffolatti
A Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d’Europa production
Information and bookings
Telephone service
From Monday to Saturday 9.45 a.m. – 6.45 p.m.
Sunday 10.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Teatro Strehler
From Monday to Saturday 9.45 a.m. to 6.45 p.m.
Sunday 1.00 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
On the evening of the performance the sale of tickets will close one hour before the performance begins.
Groups and organisations
For information on tickets and subscriptions for groups and organisations, and afternoon performances for schools and educational shows, please contact the Servizio Promozione Pubblico e Proposte Culturali.