In his “live storytelling workshop”, Stefano Massini, accompanied by the music of Paolo Jannacci and Daniele Moretto, uses the evocative power of words to tell the many small yet important stories hidden in the folds of our present.
Teatro Studio Melato
Now more than ever, we are understanding the immense value of being able to come together in one place to hear and to share a story that aims to untangle these incomprehensible times. It is a “privilege” that has been suspended for many weeks, replaced by the insufficient mediation of the small screen.
Following the summer events at the Chiostro Nina Vinchi, Stefano Massini returns to meet the Piccolo’s audiences with his stories, based on the wealth of European literature and found amongst the pages of history, interwoven with daily life. These are stories that were just waiting to be discovered and which Massini, accompanied by Paolo Jannacci at the Piano and Daniele Moretto on the trumpet, presents to the spectators.
“What comes before a text? - asks Massini -. Quite simply, the spark of a story, the attraction to its strength, the echoes it contains, and therefore the desire to tell it. But stories emerge everywhere. Above all in this current period, in the proliferation of channels of communication, in which the bulimia of expressing everything at all costs results in an avalanche of useless sequences. One thus discovers that at the dawn of the Third Millennium a writer is above all this: a diviner, a gold-digger in the Klondike in search of veins that are buried, hidden, lying beneath the sediment. We try, then, to make progress through the storytelling workshop, lending form to the ancient ritual of evocation, that system of metaphors and references which Borges defined as enchantment, magic, the incredible anatomy of reality. It is the breeding ground for future stories, the prologue to that which is yet to be said, the Book of Genesis in which creation is still to be organised. In the beginning was the Word. Or rather, nothing existed, but everything began to exist in the very moment in which someone chose their story. And we all form part. In the end, it is just a trick of mirrors”.
Duration: 90 minutes without interval
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ReadNow more than ever, we are understanding the immense value of being able to come together in one place to hear and to share a story that aims to untangle these incomprehensible times. It is a “privilege” that has been suspended for many weeks, replaced by the insufficient mediation of the small screen.
Following the summer events at the Chiostro Nina Vinchi, Stefano Massini returns to meet the Piccolo’s audiences with his stories, based on the wealth of European literature and found amongst the pages of history, interwoven with daily life. These are stories that were just waiting to be discovered and which Massini, accompanied by Paolo Jannacci at the Piano and Daniele Moretto on the trumpet, presents to the spectators.
“What comes before a text? - asks Massini -. Quite simply, the spark of a story, the attraction to its strength, the echoes it contains, and therefore the desire to tell it. But stories emerge everywhere. Above all in this current period, in the proliferation of channels of communication, in which the bulimia of expressing everything at all costs results in an avalanche of useless sequences. One thus discovers that at the dawn of the Third Millennium a writer is above all this: a diviner, a gold-digger in the Klondike in search of veins that are buried, hidden, lying beneath the sediment. We try, then, to make progress through the storytelling workshop, lending form to the ancient ritual of evocation, that system of metaphors and references which Borges defined as enchantment, magic, the incredible anatomy of reality. It is the breeding ground for future stories, the prologue to that which is yet to be said, the Book of Genesis in which creation is still to be organised. In the beginning was the Word. Or rather, nothing existed, but everything began to exist in the very moment in which someone chose their story. And we all form part. In the end, it is just a trick of mirrors”.
Duration: 90 minutes without interval
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Piccolo Teatro Studio Melato
from 20 to 25 October 2020
by and with Stefano Massini
piano Paolo Jannacci
trumpet and flugelhorn Daniele Moretto
a Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d’Europa production
in collaboration with Bubba Music
Stalls: Full price € 40
Balcony: Full price € 32
Where and when to purchase tickets
It is possible to purchase tickets for programmed performances taking place from September to December and use vouchers as payment.
No subscriptions schemes are available for the aforementioned performances.
It is possible to purchase full-price and discounted tickets online. Tickets for all productions for the current season can be purchased up to one hour before the beginning of scheduled performances. Purchased tickets are sent by email at the moment of purchase and are available on the user’s personal profile. Tickets can be purchased with credit card.
Box office line +39 02.42.411.889
From Monday to Saturday from 9.45 6.45 p.m., Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
In the event of performances on bank holidays, the service is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
It is possible to purchase full-price or discounted tickets (for under -26 and over -65).
Purchased tickets are sent by email.
Access to the auditorium with reduced-price tickets is subject to verification by the theatre personnel.
Payment can be made by credit card (with the exception of American Express).
Piccolo Teatro Strehler box office
The Teatro Strehler box office (L. go Greppi, 1 – Metro M2 station Lanza) observes the following opening hours: from Monday to Saturday 9.45 a.m. to 6.45 p.m.; Sundays 1 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.; closed on Sundays and bank holidays.
It is possible to purchase full-price or discounted tickets (for under -26 and over -65). Access to the auditorium with reduced-price tickets is subject to verification by the theatre personnel.
For the final hour before the beginning of a performance, the box office is available exclusively for the production that is due to begin.
Teatro Grassi and Teatro Studio Melato box offices
The Teatro Grassi and Teatro Studio Melato box offices are open solely on the day of performances for one hour before the beginning of the programmed performance.
For artistic reasons, access to the auditorium is not permitted once the performance has started. You may take your seat during any intervals.
Purchased tickets cannot be cancelled or substituted or be used for dates or times which differ from those indicated.
Safety measures for access to performances
• In order to avoid queues and crowing, spectators are invited to arrive at the place of performance in good time.
• It is possible to access the auditorium by showing your ticket directly from your smartphone.
• Spectators with a body temperature equal to or higher than 37.5°C will not be allowed access to the performance and will have the right to a refund for their ticket. The personnel at the entrance will have dedicated thermal scanners for measuring temperature.
• All spectators must wear face masks (general regulations apply for children) and sanitise their hands via the dedicated dispensers. Spectators without masks can ask for one at the entrance.
• The seating in the auditorium respects current distancing regulations.