Carmelo Rifici leads a cast of young actors through the pages of Dream story by Schnitzler, in a stage adaptation of the novel by Riccardo Favaro. The unveiling of a couple’s relationship through literature, drama and therapy, exploring the most hidden folds.
Teatro Studio Melato
In Dream story, written at the beginning of the 1920s, Schnitzler examines the dynamics of desire and feeling in an upper-class married couple. A long account, which borders on the nightmarish and fantastical, tells of the extraordinary night experienced by Dr. Fridolin who, having left his house following an argument with his wife Albertine, finds himself involved in a disturbing sequence of events and sexual encounters. Carmelo Rifigìci has chosen this work for the basis of a study with a cast of young actors on the theme of intercouple relationships, the management of violence within a relationship, and the construction of the concept of identity through the constant “reflecting” of oneself in another. The director defines Dream story as “a therapeutic work, which goes beyond the psychoanalytical aspect that critics have always attributed it; Schnitzler has given us an extraordinary and brilliant female character in Albertine, the female element in the lead couple. It is thanks to her and her ability to manage her desires though her dreams that the relationship avoids exploding, allowing it to be conserved and to be saved from that indistinct violence that her husband Fridolin continuously tries to introduce to family life. Dream story has a cathartic value that can be of use to young people in identifying literary models that help them to understand their own personal anxieties”.
Duration: 185' with one interval
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ReadIn Dream story, written at the beginning of the 1920s, Schnitzler examines the dynamics of desire and feeling in an upper-class married couple. A long account, which borders on the nightmarish and fantastical, tells of the extraordinary night experienced by Dr. Fridolin who, having left his house following an argument with his wife Albertine, finds himself involved in a disturbing sequence of events and sexual encounters. Carmelo Rifigìci has chosen this work for the basis of a study with a cast of young actors on the theme of intercouple relationships, the management of violence within a relationship, and the construction of the concept of identity through the constant “reflecting” of oneself in another. The director defines Dream story as “a therapeutic work, which goes beyond the psychoanalytical aspect that critics have always attributed it; Schnitzler has given us an extraordinary and brilliant female character in Albertine, the female element in the lead couple. It is thanks to her and her ability to manage her desires though her dreams that the relationship avoids exploding, allowing it to be conserved and to be saved from that indistinct violence that her husband Fridolin continuously tries to introduce to family life. Dream story has a cathartic value that can be of use to young people in identifying literary models that help them to understand their own personal anxieties”.
Duration: 185' with one interval
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Doppio sogno
by Riccardo Favaro
by Arthur Schnitzler
directed by Carmelo Rifici
sets Paolo Di Benedetto
costumes Margherita Baldoni
lighting Gianni Staropoli
choreographic movements Alessio Maria Romano
music Federica Furlani
with Catherine Bertoni, Gabriele Brunelli, Leonardo Castellani, Giovanni Drago, Claudia Grassi, Giulia Heathfield Di Renzi, Jonathan Lazzini, Lucia Limonta, Sebastian Luque Herrera, Anna Manella, Alberto Marcello, Marco Mavaracchio, Francesca Osso, Antonio Perretta, Roberta Ricciardi, Paolo Rovere, Aurora Spreafico, Emilia Tiburzi and with Anna Godina e Alberto Pirazzini
a Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d’Europa production
Category of performance Piccolo Production
Stalls full price € 40 | Discounted (under 26 and over 65) € 23
Balcony full price € 32 | Discounted (Under 26 and over 65) € 20
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