Terzopoulos stages Nora, a theatrical work developed around the themes of melancholy and emotion, through an examination of the conflicting forces that often drive humans. Ibsen’s characters find themselves constantly drawn to their own authentic Ids.
Teatro Grassi
Nora is the theatrical adaptation of A doll’s house by Henrik Ibsen, staged by Theodoros Terzopoulos. The play is based on three of Ibsen’s main characters—Nora, Torvald and Krogstad—and on the triangular relationship that forms between them. This approach to the classic work maintains all its meaning while at the same time highlighting the essence of conflicting forces, which are represented by the characters, not only via words, but also via an attentive use of physical expression, which often reveal the unconfessed. Terzopoulos describes his work as a battle between the structured Id—terrorised—and the true self, throttled and fighting to breathe. In the moment that the self takes a breath, it encounters a void. This is the price to pay for self-awareness, and it is the very reason why theatre exists. The character of Nora crosses the boundaries of conventional society and values to explore the unknown and achieve true self-awareness. It is a form of “suicide” that can create the conditions for the emergence of an authentic Id.
Duration: 70'
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ReadNora is the theatrical adaptation of A doll’s house by Henrik Ibsen, staged by Theodoros Terzopoulos. The play is based on three of Ibsen’s main characters—Nora, Torvald and Krogstad—and on the triangular relationship that forms between them. This approach to the classic work maintains all its meaning while at the same time highlighting the essence of conflicting forces, which are represented by the characters, not only via words, but also via an attentive use of physical expression, which often reveal the unconfessed. Terzopoulos describes his work as a battle between the structured Id—terrorised—and the true self, throttled and fighting to breathe. In the moment that the self takes a breath, it encounters a void. This is the price to pay for self-awareness, and it is the very reason why theatre exists. The character of Nora crosses the boundaries of conventional society and values to explore the unknown and achieve true self-awareness. It is a form of “suicide” that can create the conditions for the emergence of an authentic Id.
Duration: 70'
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by Henrik Ibsen
translation, adaptation, direction and sets Theodoros Terzopoulos
costumes Yiorgos Eleftheriades
music Panayiotis Velianitis
lighting Theodoros Terzopoulos, Konstantinos Bethanis
construction building Charalampos Terzopoulos
with Sophia Hill, Tasos Dimas, Antonis Myriagkos
an Attis Theatre production
A show in Greek with Italian and English surtitles. The Italian surtitles text is curated by Prescott Studio
Category of performance Festival
Stalls full price € 40 | Discounted (under 26 and over 65) € 23
Balcony full price € 32 | Discounted (Under 26 and over 65) € 20
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