In an era in which confines, walls and techniques of digital identification delude us into thinking that our lives are safer, Marta Górnicka reveals the pervasive mechanisms of exclusion and violence, and presents a choral manifesto founded on the reconstruction of connections between individuals through a policy of interdependence and care.
Teatro Studio Melato
“How can one create a world of relationships that goes beyond relationships? How can we find air to breathe together, when breathing the same air has been forbidden?”. These are just some of the questions that guide the studies of Marta Górnicka, and which come together in Still Life, a choral manifesto for a re-invented society. In this manifesto/show, a Dionysian choir brutally presents the audience with a reflection on how to support and reconstruct connections in an era characterized by epidemic, digitalization, and mass-extinction. The choir speaks through the voices of contemporary philosophers—Donna Haraway, Roberto Esposito, Giorgio Agamben—inviting us to work towards the creation of a new form of community based on a policy of interdependence and care. These voices are intermingled with phrases from the pop and digital cultures, in a game that exposes the ideological workings of the power of language. The invitation to rebuild a common world thus arrives from a coming together of all beings, human and non-human, the living and the dead, animals, plants, bacteria, and viruses. The aggregating force will be the god of life in its totality, a digital Dionysus.
Duration: 70’
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Read“How can one create a world of relationships that goes beyond relationships? How can we find air to breathe together, when breathing the same air has been forbidden?”. These are just some of the questions that guide the studies of Marta Górnicka, and which come together in Still Life, a choral manifesto for a re-invented society. In this manifesto/show, a Dionysian choir brutally presents the audience with a reflection on how to support and reconstruct connections in an era characterized by epidemic, digitalization, and mass-extinction. The choir speaks through the voices of contemporary philosophers—Donna Haraway, Roberto Esposito, Giorgio Agamben—inviting us to work towards the creation of a new form of community based on a policy of interdependence and care. These voices are intermingled with phrases from the pop and digital cultures, in a game that exposes the ideological workings of the power of language. The invitation to rebuild a common world thus arrives from a coming together of all beings, human and non-human, the living and the dead, animals, plants, bacteria, and viruses. The aggregating force will be the god of life in its totality, a digital Dionysus.
Duration: 70’
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Still Life. A Chorus for Animals, People and all other Lives is part of the Chorus of Women Berlin project funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation and the State of Berlin, Senate Department for Culture and Europe
with the kind support of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin

special thanks to Facoltà di Scienze linguistiche e Letterature straniere (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)
Category of performance Festival
Stalls full price € 40 | Discounted (under 26 and over 65) € 23
Balcony full price € 32 | Discounted (Under 26 and over 65) € 20
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