In his “live storytelling workshop”, Stefano Massini, accompanied by the jazz improvisation of Paolo Jannacci and Daniele Moretto, uses the evocative power of words to tell the many small yet important stories hidden in the folds of our present.
Teatro Studio Melato
Storie by Stefano Massini has twice represented the Piccolo’s welcoming of live audiences following the lockdown in June 2020 to open-air performances, and then in October of the same year in the auditoriums, before the pandemic once again forced the community to renounce Theatre. One year on, Storie recommences its journey through the pages of European literature, through the meanderings of history, in a daily experience that has been seriously put to the test by recent events. These are stories just waiting to be discovered and which Massini, accompanied by Paolo Jannacci at the piano and Daniele Moretto on the trumpet, brings to the attention of the audience.
“What comes before a text? - asks Massini -. Quite simply, the spark of a story, the attraction to its strength, the echoes it contains, and therefore the desire to tell it. But stories emerge everywhere. Above all in this current period, in the proliferation of channels of communication, in which the bulimia of expressing everything at all costs results in an avalanche of useless sequences. One thus discovers that at the dawn of the Third Millennium a writer is above all this: a diviner, a gold-digger in the Klondike in search of veins that are buried, hidden, lying beneath the sediment. We try, then, to make progress through the storytelling workshop, lending form to the ancient ritual of evocation, that system of metaphors and references which Borges defined as enchantment, magic, the incredible anatomy of reality. It is the breeding ground for future stories, the prologue to that which is yet to be said, the Book of Genesis in which creation is still to be organised. In the beginning was the Word. Or rather, nothing existed, but everything began to exist in the very moment in which someone chose their story. And we all form part. In the end, it is just a trick of mirrors”.
Duration: 120 minutes without interval
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ReadStorie by Stefano Massini has twice represented the Piccolo’s welcoming of live audiences following the lockdown in June 2020 to open-air performances, and then in October of the same year in the auditoriums, before the pandemic once again forced the community to renounce Theatre. One year on, Storie recommences its journey through the pages of European literature, through the meanderings of history, in a daily experience that has been seriously put to the test by recent events. These are stories just waiting to be discovered and which Massini, accompanied by Paolo Jannacci at the piano and Daniele Moretto on the trumpet, brings to the attention of the audience.
“What comes before a text? - asks Massini -. Quite simply, the spark of a story, the attraction to its strength, the echoes it contains, and therefore the desire to tell it. But stories emerge everywhere. Above all in this current period, in the proliferation of channels of communication, in which the bulimia of expressing everything at all costs results in an avalanche of useless sequences. One thus discovers that at the dawn of the Third Millennium a writer is above all this: a diviner, a gold-digger in the Klondike in search of veins that are buried, hidden, lying beneath the sediment. We try, then, to make progress through the storytelling workshop, lending form to the ancient ritual of evocation, that system of metaphors and references which Borges defined as enchantment, magic, the incredible anatomy of reality. It is the breeding ground for future stories, the prologue to that which is yet to be said, the Book of Genesis in which creation is still to be organised. In the beginning was the Word. Or rather, nothing existed, but everything began to exist in the very moment in which someone chose their story. And we all form part. In the end, it is just a trick of mirrors”.
Duration: 120 minutes without interval
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by and with Stefano Massini
pianoforte Paolo Jannacci
trumpet Daniele Moretto
a Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d’Europa production
in collaboration with Bubba Music
Category of performance Piccolo Production
Stalls full price € 40 | Discounted (under 26 and over 65) € 23
Balcony full price € 32 | Discounted (Under 26 and over 65) € 20
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