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Il fuoco era la cura

freely inspired by “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury

© Masiar Pasquali


Il fuoco era la cura
freely inspired by Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
a Sotterraneo creation
created and directed by Sara Bonaventura, Claudio Cirri, Daniele Villa
with Flavia Comi, Davide Fasano, Fabio Mascagni, Radu Murarasu, Cristiana Tramparulo
written by Daniele Villa
lighting Marco Santambrogio
costumes Ettore Lombardi
sound Simone Arganini
a Teatro Metastasio di Prato, Sotterraneo, Piccolo Teatro di Milano, Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT / Teatro Nazionale production
with the support of Centrale Fies / Passo Nord
artistic residencies Fondazione Armunia, La Corte Ospitale, Centrale Fies / Passo Nord
Sotterraneo is part of the Fies Factory, Associated Artist at the Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d’Europa, and resident artist at the ATP Teatri di Pistoia

Smoke machines and strobe lights are used during the show

Category of performance Piccolo Production
Stalls full price € 40 | Discounted (under 26 and over 65) € 23
Balcony full price € 32 | Discounted (under 26 and over 65) € 20

The performance is available for subscription holders
To purchase a subscription online, click here

How and where to purchase
For information, click here

Organised groups and audiences
For information on tickets for organised groups:
tel. +39 02 72 333 216