What remains of the French Revolution? The answer from Frosini and Timpano is presented in this work, which won the 2022 Ubu Award for Best New Italian Text: «We explore History because it is through the materials that were used to write it and the way in which it was manipulated that our ideas have been formed.»
Teatro Studio Melato
1789; the Revolution breaks out in France, spreading throughout Europe, forever characterising the world in which we continue to live. Yet what remains of this period, 230 years on? Elvira Frosini and Daniele Timpano – joined on stage by Marco Cavalcoli –, look into Western culture through their cutting and ruthlessly ironic style, unmasking all its rhetoric and fundamental myths. Past and present, French and Italian history, modernity and post-modernity all overlap in this work, winner of the 2022 Ubu Award for Best New Italian Text, as part of a process aimed at undermining our “democratic” lives and the ideas related to the concept of revolution. Is a revolution still possible today? What form would it take?
«The aim of Ottantanove is not to tell a story, or present History, but rather to take a dive into a fundamental myth, into the cultural materials that created it, and that were created as a result – explain Frosini and Timpano –. Ours is an Italian point of view, as cousins from the other side of the Alps; the inferior and less evolved relatives that need to be liberated and civilised. We did not create the French revolution. Quite the opposite. In a sense, we endured it. However, ours is also a Western European point of view because, despite everything, we are the heirs of the Revolution. Our democracies, contemporary Europe, and the entire world in which we live, was founded in that period.»
Duration: 95’ without interval
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Read1789; the Revolution breaks out in France, spreading throughout Europe, forever characterising the world in which we continue to live. Yet what remains of this period, 230 years on? Elvira Frosini and Daniele Timpano – joined on stage by Marco Cavalcoli –, look into Western culture through their cutting and ruthlessly ironic style, unmasking all its rhetoric and fundamental myths. Past and present, French and Italian history, modernity and post-modernity all overlap in this work, winner of the 2022 Ubu Award for Best New Italian Text, as part of a process aimed at undermining our “democratic” lives and the ideas related to the concept of revolution. Is a revolution still possible today? What form would it take?
«The aim of Ottantanove is not to tell a story, or present History, but rather to take a dive into a fundamental myth, into the cultural materials that created it, and that were created as a result – explain Frosini and Timpano –. Ours is an Italian point of view, as cousins from the other side of the Alps; the inferior and less evolved relatives that need to be liberated and civilised. We did not create the French revolution. Quite the opposite. In a sense, we endured it. However, ours is also a Western European point of view because, despite everything, we are the heirs of the Revolution. Our democracies, contemporary Europe, and the entire world in which we live, was founded in that period.»
Duration: 95’ without interval
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dramaturgy and direction by Elvira Frosini and Daniele Timpano
artistic collaboration David Lescot
wtih Marco Cavalcoli, Elvira Frosini, Daniele Timpano
director’s assistant and artistic collaborator Francesca Blancato
light design Omar Scala
sets and costumes Marta Montevecchi
original music and sound design Lorenzo Danesin
a Teatro Metastasio di Prato, SCARTI Centro di Produzione Teatrale d’Innovazione production
in collaboration with Kataklisma teatro and Teatro di Roma – Teatro Nazionale
artistic residencies Italian Institute of Culture in Paris and Città delle 100 Scale Festival
with thanks to Compagnie du Kaïros
Category of performance Hosted Shows
Stalls full price € 33 | Discounted (under 26 and over 65) € 21
Balcony full price € 26 | Discounted (under 26 and over 65) € 18
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tel. +39 02 72 333 216
email promozione.pubblico@piccoloteatromilano.it