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Paesaggi condivisi

Sette pièce tra campi e foreste

© Chloé Cohen

Meetings and insights




Paesaggi condivisi
Sette pièce tra campi e foreste
the show is part of the European project Performing Landscape
created and curated by Caroline Barneaud, Stefan Kaegi (Rimini Protokoll)
with works by: Chiara Bersani and Marco D’Agostin (Italy), El Conde de Torrefiel (Spain), Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz (Portugal), Begüm Erciyas and Daniel Kötter (Turkey, Belgium, Germany), Stefan Kaegi (Germany, Switzerland), Ari Benjamin Meyers (United States, Germany), Émilie Rousset (France)
featuring local performers and participants
production and coordination Isabelle Campiche, Aline Fuchs (Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne)
with the support of the production, technical, communication and administration teams of the Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne
coordination for Performing Landscape Chloé Ferro, Monica Ferrari, Lara Fischer (Rimini Protokoll)
artistic support Giulia Rumasuglia
technical director Guillaume Zemor
a Rimini Apparat (Germany) and Théâtre Vidy- Lausanne (Switzerland)
production local production ZONA K and Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d’Europa
co-production Performing Landscape, European consortium: Bunker and Mladi Levi Festival (Slovenia), Culturgest and Rota Clandestina / Câmara Municipal de Setúbal (Portugal), Festival d’Avignon (France), Tangente St. Pölten – Festival für Gegenwartskultur (Austria), Temporada Alta (Spain), ZONA K and Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d’Europa (Italy)
And with BerlinerFestspiele (Germany)

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with the support of INVR.SPACE GmbH with the VR Cinema Solution visors


with the support of Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung in creating the project

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Media Partner


Single seat full price € 20 | Discounted (under 30 or over 65) € 15

The performance is not available for subscription olders

Organised groups and audiences
For information on tickets for organised groups:
tel. +39 02 72 333 216