An exploration of the suffering and humanity of the protagonists of Testori’s lai: Herodias and the Sorrowful Mother express their suffering over impossible loves and devastating loss. Under the guidance of Sandro Lombardi, Anna Della Rosa expresses these poetic female voices with intense fragility.
Teatro Grassi
Sandro Lombardi, the unforgettable performer – between 1996 and 1998 – of Tre lai (Cleopatràs, Erodiàs, Mater strangosciàs) by Giovanni Testori, presented Anna Della Rosa with his interpretation of the second and the third Lai after having seen her in the staging of the first, directed by Valter Malosti.
Not an act of direction, but rather a true gift, as in the tradition of Oriental theatre, in which the more expert actor entrusts a younger actor with one of their interpretations. Two lacerating poetic monologues: Herodias is obsessed by an unrequited love for John the Baptist, a desire that takes the form of folly and desperation; Mary is full of pure maternal love, as she faces atrocious suffering over the sacrifice of her Son during the crucifixion.
Saturday 24 May sees also the presentation of Cleopatràs, a distillation in concert form of the play by Valter Malosti that further highlights the magnificence and music of Testori’s verse.
Duration: Erodiàs, Mater strangosciàs: 1 hour and 10 minutes without intermission | Cleopatràs: 1 hours and 10 minutes without intermission
Sandro Lombardi, the unforgettable performer – between 1996 and 1998 – of Tre lai (Cleopatràs, Erodiàs, Mater strangosciàs) by Giovanni Testori, presented Anna Della Rosa with his interpretation of the second and the third Lai after having seen her in the staging of the first, directed by Valter Malosti.
Not an act of direction, but rather a true gift, as in the tradition of Oriental theatre, in which the more expert actor entrusts a younger actor with one of their interpretations. Two lacerating poetic monologues: Herodias is obsessed by an unrequited love for John the Baptist, a desire that takes the form of folly and desperation; Mary is full of pure maternal love, as she faces atrocious suffering over the sacrifice of her Son during the crucifixion.
Saturday 24 May sees also the presentation of Cleopatràs, a distillation in concert form of the play by Valter Malosti that further highlights the magnificence and music of Testori’s verse.
Duration: Erodiàs, Mater strangosciàs: 1 hour and 10 minutes without intermission | Cleopatràs: 1 hours and 10 minutes without intermission
Erodiàs + Mater strangosciàs
based on Tre lai by Giovanni Testori
a project by Sandro Lombardi
for Anna Della Rosa
director’s assistant Virginia Landi
dramaturgy assistant Alberto Marcello
lighting design Vincenzo De Angelis
an Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT / Teatro Nazionale, Compagnia Lombardi-Tiezzi production
project created in collaboration with Associazione Giovanni Testori
DURATION 70’ without intermission
with thanks to Giovanni Agosti for having shared his knowledge
with thanks to Giorgio Bertelli for the throne of Erodiàs
with thanks to Nicolò Rossi for having granted the text of his critical review of Tre lai
with thanks to Giovanna Buzzi for the costume for Anna Della Rosa
with thanks to Federico Tiezzi without whose work for Tre lai between 1996 and 1998 this project would have been inconceivable
in concert form
based on Tre lai by Giovanni Testori
with Anna Della Rosa
directed by Valter Malosti
sound design and live electronics Gup Alcaro
an Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT / Teatro Nazionale, TPE – Teatro Piemonte Europa production
DURATION 70’ without intermission
Category of performance Hosted Shows
Stalls full price € 33 | Discounted (under 26 and over 65) € 21
Balcony full price € 26 | Discounted (under 26 and over 65) € 18
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