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Il barone rampante

© Masiar Pasquali


Il barone rampante 
by Italo Calvino 
adapted and directed by Riccardo Frati 
sets Guia Buzzi 
costumes Gianluca Sbicca 
light design Luigi Biondi 
music composition and sound design by Davide Fasulo 
animation Davide Abbate with (in alphabetic order) Mauro Avogadro, Nicola Bortolotti, Matteo Cecchi, Leonardo De Colle, Michele Dell’Utri, Diana Manea, Marina Occhionero
a Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d’Europa production

Category of performance Production
Stalls full price € 40 | Discounted (under 26 and over 65) € 23
Balcony full price € 32 | Discounted (under 26 and over 65) € 20

The performance is available for subscription holders
To purchase a subscription online, click here

How and where to purchase
For information, click here

Organised groups and audiences
For information on tickets for organised groups:
tel. +39 02 72 333 216