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Il grande vuoto

© Laila Pozzo


Il grande vuoto 
directed by Fabiana Iacozzilli 
dramaturgy Linda Dalisi, Fabiana Iacozzilli 
dramaturg Linda Dalisi 
performers Ermanno De Biagi, Francesca Farcomeni, Piero Lanzellotti, Giusi Merli 
and with Mona Abokhatwa, performing for the first time on stage 
set design and creation Paola Villani 
lighting Raffaella Vitiello 
original music Tommy Grieco 
audio by Hubert Westkemper 
costumes Anna Coluccia 
video Lorenzo Letizia 
director’s assistant Francesco Meloni 
stagecraft Mauro Rea, Paolo Iammarone, Vincenzo Fiorillo 
sound Jacopo Ruben Dell’Abate, Akira Callea Scalise 
technical director Francesca Zerilli 
assistants Virginia Cimmino, Francesco Savino, Veronica Bassani, Enrico Vita 
artistic collaboration Marta Meneghetti, Cesare Santiago Del Beato 
press office Linee Relations a Cranpi, La Fabbrica dell’Attore, La Corte Ospitale, Romaeuropa Festival production 
with the contribution of the Ministry of Culture and the Emilia-Romagna Region with the support of Accademia Perduta / Romagna Teatri, Carrozzerie n.o.t, Fivizzano 27, Residenza della Bassa Sabina, Teatro Biblioteca Quarticciolo 

with thanks to Luisa Pacilio, Martina Bonati, Martina Tirone, Clara Greco, Benjamin Miller, Mirko Lorusso, Irene Paloma Jona, Marco Ferrara, Beth McCreton, Angela Di Domenico, gli spettatori e le spettatrici del Teatro Herberia Rubiera; Fondazione Casa Lyda Borelli per Artisti e Operatori dello Spettacolo di Bologna, Elderly Residential Home (CRA) of Rubiera; the centre for the elderly of the municipality of Magliano Sabina, Cecilia Alei, Agnesi Graziella

Category of performance Hosted Shows
Stalls full price € 33 | Discounted (under 26 and over 65) € 21
Balcony full price € 26 | Discounted (under 26 and over 65) € 18

The performance is available for subscription holders
To purchase a subscription online, click here

How and where to purchase
For information, click here

Organised groups and audiences
For information on tickets for organised groups:
tel. +39 02 72 333 216