A king who, in order to gain his crown, has had to eliminate all possible rivals: an actor who has finally got the role of a lifetime. Gabriel Calderón entrusts Francesco Montanari with a monologue that is an original “variation on a theme” of Richard III, in which the lines between eras and identity are blurred, against the backdrop of a reality of ambition, thirst for power and repressed violence.
Teatro Studio Melato
Born in 1982, and the co-founder in 2005, in Uruguay, of the company Complot – with which he has created around thirty shows, collaborating with, among others, Sergio Blanco – Gabriel Calderón comes to the Piccolo for the first time to direct a production in Italian of one of his successes, Història d’un senglar (o alguna cosa de Ricard), protagonist Francesco Montanari.
Inspired by the masterpiece by Shakespeare, the text tells the story of a theatrical actor who has never had the chance to play a lead role. Now that his moment has finally come, he wants to make the most of the opportunity. A disturbing affinity slowly begins to emerge between his life and that of the character; ambition, repressed anger, a desire for revenge, opportunism... In performing the famous monologue, he finds the darker aspects of the King of York within himself.
Active on stages the world over for the last twenty years, Calderón speaks of the perils of the stage, the theatre of violent passions that are not always merely simulated and entrusts Francesco Montanari with the lead role.
The performances on 5 and 6 April are supertitled in Italian and English for foreign and hearing-impaired audiences.
Duration: the play is currently in production
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ReadBorn in 1982, and the co-founder in 2005, in Uruguay, of the company Complot – with which he has created around thirty shows, collaborating with, among others, Sergio Blanco – Gabriel Calderón comes to the Piccolo for the first time to direct a production in Italian of one of his successes, Història d’un senglar (o alguna cosa de Ricard), protagonist Francesco Montanari.
Inspired by the masterpiece by Shakespeare, the text tells the story of a theatrical actor who has never had the chance to play a lead role. Now that his moment has finally come, he wants to make the most of the opportunity. A disturbing affinity slowly begins to emerge between his life and that of the character; ambition, repressed anger, a desire for revenge, opportunism... In performing the famous monologue, he finds the darker aspects of the King of York within himself.
Active on stages the world over for the last twenty years, Calderón speaks of the perils of the stage, the theatre of violent passions that are not always merely simulated and entrusts Francesco Montanari with the lead role.
The performances on 5 and 6 April are supertitled in Italian and English for foreign and hearing-impaired audiences.
Duration: the play is currently in production
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Storia di un cinghiale.
Qualcosa su Riccardo III
freely inspired by William Shakespeare
written and directed by Gabriel Calderón
translation Teresa Vila
sets Paolo Di Benedetto
costumes Gianluca Sbicca
lighting Manuel Frenda
with Francesco Montanari
a Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d’Europa, Carnezzeria production
Category of performance Co-production
Stalls full price € 40 | Discounted (under 26 and over 65) € 23
Balcony full price € 32 | Discounted (under 26 and over 65) € 20
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For information on tickets for organised groups:
tel. +39 02 72 333 216
email promozione.pubblico@piccoloteatromilano.it