Piccolo for sustainability
The theme of sustainability has never been so closely tied to cultural policy; it is with this in mind that, having become the first theatre in Europe to join the New European Bauhaus – the multi-disciplinary cultural network promoted by the European Union to serve as a catalyst for the new European Green Deal –, we are underscoring our commitment to ensuring that our stages serve as a driver for the culture of sustainability.
We see sustainability in its widest terms, in its representation of a relationship between the environment, the economy and society, and therefore equally related to accessibility and inclusion.
There is a wide and articulated range of initiatives that we are implementing in this regard; on a structural level, through the progressive adapting of our spaces (thanks to the NRRP and both public and private partnerships) and our equipment (with a “light relamping” project funded by the Lombardy Region with a view to favouring the use of LED technology for auditorium lighting), as well as a commitment to reusing materials both on and off stage; on a productive level, with shows created as part of the European projects STAGES - Sustainable Theatre Alliance for a Green Environmental Shift and UNLOCK THE CITY!, which contributes to promoting a culture of sustainability (Benvenuti al Piccolo! Green tour of the island of trees by Michele Dell’Utri; Semidei by Pier Lorenzo Pisano), of inclusion and of dialogue with the community (Dance Me to the End of the World by Sotterraneo).
In addition, through a series of significant collaborations and alliances: our partnership with the Politecnico di Milano for international projects (and beyond); our involvement in the Festival of Sustainable Development organised by ASviS – The Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development; our relationship with schools and libraries in Milan and Lombardy, which sees us carrying forward our commitment – previously expressed in past seasons, also through our involvement in the Affido Culturale project, organised by the Associazione Mitades and the KPMG – in fighting educational poverty; and the close collaboration with AI. Di. Qua. Artists – the first ever association of and for disabled people in entertainment – which continues to develop in multiple directions, from the training of staff to audio-description projects, and from the creation of materials and kits dedicated to people with specific needs (for example with Jérôme Bel by Marco D’Agostin, in the 2023/24 season), to the translation in Italian Sign Language (LIS) of a range of events.
With a view to facilitating access to our programmes by an ever wider and more diverse audience, we are also increasing the number of shows with surtitles, developing specific touch tours (tours exploring show costumes and the sets for Teatro Aperto) dedicated to blind and visually impaired spectators, as well as bolstering dialogue with and attention to the many communities within the territory through initiatives spread throughout the city and the region (Teatro dietro l’angolo, Walk_Talk, etc.).
It is an ongoing and developing process, which underscores the fact that “sustainability” is much more than just a word, representing constant dialogue between areas, needs and openness.