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Piazza degli Eroi


Teatro Strehler

The last masterpiece by Thomas Bernhard and one of the greatest theatrical scandals in Austrian post-war history.

©Masiar Pasquali - Foto di Masiar Pasquali

La notte dell’Innominato


Teatro Strehler

Eros Pagni expresses the anguish of Manzoni’s Unnamed during the dizzying and tormented night in which Lucia comes to his castle.

©Armin Smailovic - Foto di Armin Smailovic



Teatro Strehler

The new play directed by Milo Rau is a reflection on the past and the future, on life, death, solitude and community.

©Masiar Pasquali - Foto di Masiar Pasquali

Arlecchino servitore di due padroni


Teatro Grassi

Duels, forbidden love, disguises, masks and a lunch served twice, all seasoned with acrobatics: Harlequin returns to the Piccolo!

©Masiar Pasquali - Foto di Masiar Pasquali

Edificio 3

Storia di un intento assurdo


Teatro Studio Melato

Claudio Tolcachir directs an entertaining and moving work for the Piccolo that examines the complexity of interpersonal relationships

©Andrea Pizzalis

Talk Show | Sotterraneo incontra Wu Ming 1 | Talk-performance

Teatro Grassi

Talk show, a format that is both though-provoking and fun. Sotterraneo, an experimental theatre collective, meets Wu Ming 1.

©Giulia Agostini; Elio Mazzacane

Lo sguardo selvaggio | pensieri

Teatro Grassi

Chiara Bersani and Laura Pugno involve the audience in a discussion on the power that the untamed gaze has and the resulting responsibility.

©Rich Gilligan

Appunti da un'Apocalisse | Pensieri e letture

Teatro Grassi

What humanity is really doing in order to avoid destruction?

NEXT – Non un’opera buona

Teatro Grassi

The 2020 edition of NEXT at the Piccolo Teatro with the Teatro del Simposio (Sogno americano Chapter1#ray) and servomutoTeatro (Non un’opera buona).

NEXT – Sogno americano. Chapter1#ray.

Teatro Grassi

The 2020 edition of NEXT at the Piccolo Teatro with the Teatro del Simposio (Sogno americano Chapter1#ray) and servomutoTeatro (Non un’opera buona)

Tramedautore | Maratona Podcast | Questione di fisica

Teatro Grassi

The event has been created to highlight the strong affinity between the world of audio entertainment and the figures that inhabit it.

Tramedautore | Maratona Podcast | Dante Italia

Teatro Grassi

The event has been created to highlight the strong affinity between the world of audio entertainment and the figures that inhabit it.

Tramedautore | Maratona Podcast | Il calcio visto da venere

Teatro Grassi

The event has been created to highlight the strong affinity between the world of audio entertainment and the figures that inhabit it.

Tramedautore | Maratona Podcast | Dino Buzzati

Teatro Grassi

The event has been created to highlight the strong affinity between the world of audio entertainment and the figures that inhabit it.

©Masiar Pasquali - Foto di Masiar Pasquali

Tramedautore | Maratona Podcast | Vive!

Teatro Grassi

The event has been created to highlight the strong affinity between the world of audio entertainment and the figures that inhabit it.