Il terzo appuntamento di Orchestra senza Confini è un omaggio ai jazzisti elvetici Franco Ambrosetti (solista ospite della serata) e George Gruntz.

laVerdi will be performing at the Teatro Studio Melato in a small-scale event dedicated to 20th and 21st century music.

Two great names from Italian theatre, Annamaria Guanieri and Giulia Lazzarini, are the adorable “killer aunts” in this famous comedy.

A comedy on the ephemeral confine between mental health and illness, to laugh, and to reflect on human misery and the “ambiguity” of language.

Antonio Latella takes on “a masterpiece which many believe they know and of which little, to tell the truth, is understood”.

Teatro Strehler - Scatola Magica
Due attori–esploratori sono alle prese con un mistero: qual è il tesoro più prezioso che si può trovare all'interno di un teatro?

Old age is an advantage which comes too late. The only way to take advantage of this situation is to share it with others.

Glauco Mauri and Roberto Sturno stage the latest extraordinary novel by Dostoevsky, an eternal, ruthless and extreme story.

Il Jazz è donna is the traditional appointment as part of Orchestra Senza Confini with contemporary music from the world of female jazz artists.

The return of the “dark” interpretation by Declan Donnellan to the Piccolo, a blend of irony and thriller, the story of a bloody vendetta.

Federico Tiezzi takes on the legend of Faust, a symbol of contemporary man’s crisis of conscience and soul.

laVerdi will be performing at the Teatro Studio Melato in a small-scale event dedicated to 20th and 21st century music.

Based on Virgil, Eneide, generazioni tells of the destiny of a man in flight from conflict, in search of a new country in which to settle.

The most important moments in the most famous (love?) story in the world in a youthful story in both English and Italian.

From 1882 Norway to an imaginary American county of the 1920s: Massimo Popolizio, who directs and performs, stages Ibsen.