The pupils of the Scala’s Ballet School take on a classic in the version created by Frédéric Olivieri to the music of Prokofiev.

A man confesses his own homosexuality to his late mother: in a South covered in snow, among the tombs, finally free to speak.

A Christmas fairy tale which is perfect for younger audiences, staged by the Compagnia Marionettistica Carlo Colla & Figli.

Una saga lunga 150 anni, dall'America schiavista al crollo della bolla finanziaria, nella magistrale regia di Ronconi dal testo di Massini.

Teatro Strehler - Scatola Magica
A reflection on war through ancient legends, a play in which Homer’s words resound in all of their topicality.

History and legend, poetry and stories, faith and ritual: Mimmo Borrelli and Roberto Saviano recount Naples in the footsteps of San Gennaro.

Pinocchio is a character which doesn’t exist, but who belongs to everyone; it is in this shared memory that his universality lies.

A story of emigration which has as its main character a young woman in search of a better future in a far-off, unknown country.

A choral mosaic, a work-debate on legality, a provocation against the mafia network which seeks to defeat civil conscience.

A play which speaks of fear and courage, of the sense of belonging and of solitude, when Italians emigrated, in search of a future.

Dopo MITJazzFestival che ha inaugurato la stagione a dicembre, Jazz al Piccolo-Orchestra senza Confini riprende con la Jazz Workshop Orchestra

Teatro Strehler - Scatola Magica
An actor, a musician, and a cello: a dialogue of music and words, between past and present, guided by Bach’s cello Suites.

Minetti reflects on life, reduced to a theatre deprived of meaning in a dumbed-down society. The tragic epilogue is an extreme act of rebellion.

A “Dream” born behind bars, with young actors, both convicts and non, from the Puntozero company, which transmits an inebriating sense of freedom.

A play performed in 45 countries, and translated into 24 different languages for 500 productions. A story which speaks about loyalty, feelings and family.