Manuel Liñan, Premio Nacional de Danza 2017, presents his new show which is a preview of the summer event, the Milano Flamenco Festival.

Fabrizio Gifuni pays tribute to Hamlet, in which the words of Shakespeare are interwoven with the powerful musical fresco by Shostakovich.

Valerij Fokin, theatrical director and director of the Alexandrinsky in Saint Petersburg, stages a piece dedicated to his favourite author, Gogol.

In a rehearsal room, master and apprentice search for the emotions of the character, while in the world outside, there are the sinister echoes of war.

An outstanding re-reading of the Three sisters by Chekhov, with which the volcanic director Andrij Zholdak plucks at the heartstrings of the audience.

The poem by Aleksander Blok becomes an enchanting show which recreates the atmosphere of Saint Petersburg through sound and images.

La terza edizione di MITJazzFestival si apre con un progetto innovativo che coinvolge lo scatter Gegé Telesforo e il rapper Willie Peyote.

Il secondo concerto di MIT Jazz Festival è dedicato ai giovani dell'Orchestra Nazionale Jazz Giovani Talenti, diretta e promossa da Paolo Damiani.

MITJazz Festival si conclude con un concerto dedicato alla canzone italiana. Ospiti Franco (trombettista) e Gianluca (sassofonista) Ambrosetti.

One of the highest points in literature comes to the theatre, directed by Serena Sinigaglia and performed by Fausto Russo Alesi.

The pupils of the Scala’s Ballet School dance a classic in the version created by Frédéric Olivieri to the music of Prokofiev.

The first chapter, dedicated to fathers, of a trilogy on changes in the families of millennials.

The Collas return at Christmas with the tale of Aladdin, who is faced with a magic lamp, an evil wizard and a princess to conquer.

A form of theatre born of dreams and fables, magical and joyful, rich with hopes and dreams. The enchanting SLAVA returns to the Piccolo!

Federico Tiezzi stages Arthur Schnitzler’s masterpiece, a ruthless exposé of Austrian society in the 1920s.