The Milano Flamenco Festival ends with Distopía by Patricia Guerrero, a journey through the most deep-set of emotions.

The 2019 edition of Tramedautore opens with Madre, an example of total theatre that shifts continuously between dance and the spoken word.

"Tramedautore" plays host to one of the most interesting artists from Kosovo, Jeton Neziarj, with an exhilarating play on the bureaucratic maze.

The third play in the "Tramedautore" festival, L’alieno by Massimo Donati explores the theme of diversity and the relationship that we have with it.

Tramedautore continues with La Classe by Francesco Ferrara, in which 14 young actors take on the chilling massacre of Utøya in Norway.

Are the youngsters of today capable of changing society? This is the question that Aleksandros Memetaj asks, with comedy and irony, in A.CH.A.B.

Tramedautore plays host to Brucia l’Europa by Mario Gelardi, which examines topical themes such as terrorism, the fear of diversity and fake news.

A funny and bitter play that examines the imagination as the only force capable of revolutionising our lives.

"Tramedautore" plays host to Volver, a story of migration from the past to examine migration in present times.

Giulietta and her mother, expelled from Gaddafi’s Libya as “Italians”, return to a home that they have never known.

The 2019 edition of "Tramedautore" ends with La veglia by Rosario Palazzolo, a sardonic, ironic and harrowing play.

Sonia Bergamasco reads Fernanda Wittgens, the woman who protected The Last Supper and other monuments in Milan from the devastation of the war.

Neri Marcoré tells the story of the “Mundial dimenticato” (the forgotten world cup”), played in Patagonia.

50 years on from Piazza Fontana and 45 from Piazza della Loggia A show which give an account of human and civil resistance for democracy.

Exhilarating, provocative, powerful, topical, epic, masterful. The return, exactly 50 years on from its debut, of Mistero Buffo by Fo and Rame.