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©Filippo Milani

Le leggi della gravità


Teatro Grassi

A woman presents herself at the local police station and confesses to the murder of her husband, which took place ten years ago and had been filed as suicide.

©Mario Spada

Tavola tavola, chiodo chiodo...


Teatro Studio Melato

A never-before-seen portrait of the artist. Eduardo and his Don Quixote-esque battles for the theatre characterised by few victories and many defeats.

©Alice Pavesi



Teatro Grassi

Filippo Dini and Arianna Scommegna as the writer Paul and his tormentor Annie in Misery, based on the novel by Stephen King.


Teatro fra parentesi


Teatro Strehler

Created during the lockdown, the new play by Marco Paolini examines an all-round role for live entertainment.



©Luca Guadagnini



Teatro Grassi

The new one-act play by Stefano Massini stages the encounter between Hannah Arendt (Ottavia Piccolo) and Adolf Eichmann (Paolo Pierobon).

©Attilio Marasco

Jazz al Piccolo – Orchestra senza Confini


Teatro Strehler

The new edition of "Orchestra Senza Confini" pay tributes to two stars from the world of music, Ennio Morricone and George Gruntz.

©Masiar Pasquali

Natale in casa Cupiello


Teatro Studio Melato

One hundred and twenty years on from the birth of Eduardo, Fausto Russo Alesi presents a “solitary” re-reading of a legendary comedy



Teatro Grassi

A new production by the Carlo Colla & Figli Company dedicated to the most famous puppet of all time: Pinocchio.

©Masiar Pasquali

La tragedia del vendicatore


Teatro Strehler

The third return to the Teatro Strehler, following its successful run in London, for this dark production directed by Declan Donnellan at the Piccolo.

©Marina Alessi

Coppia aperta, quasi spalancata


Teatro Grassi

Renato Sarti stages the play in which Fo and Rame present an Italy facing up to a new way of living life as a couple.

©Alfredo Toriello

Edificio 3


Teatro Studio Melato

Claudio Tolcachir directs an entertaining and moving work for the Piccolo that examines the complexity of interpersonal relationships.

©Giuseppe Distefano

maggio '43


Teatro Grassi

Davide Enia tells of 1943m a crucially important year for Palermo and its people, discovering that those dark times tragically resemble our present.



Teatro Strehler

Massimo Popolizio gives body and voice to John Steinbeck’s unforgettable masterpiece, The Grapes of Wrath, in an adaptation by Emanuele Trevi.

NEXT – Non un’opera buona

Teatro Grassi

The 2020 edition of NEXT at the Piccolo Teatro with the Teatro del Simposio (Sogno americano Chapter1#ray) and servomutoTeatro (Non un’opera buona).

©Javier Fergo

Milano Flamenco Festival – Rayuela

Teatro Strehler

Macro Flores celebrates twenty years of career with the show Rayuela, a new production written and directed by Francisco López.