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Il Sogno di una notte di mezza estate


Teatro Grassi

Charm and mystery, magic and sorcery: the Colla’s puppets perform Shakespeare's Dream, a new production for the Piccolo in 2018.



Teatro Strehler

PaGAGnini unites classical music with the virtuosity and the humour of four fantastic musicians who transform into exuberant showmen.

Santa Estasi


Teatro Studio Melato

Seven young playwrights led by Antonio Latella re-write the themes of the legend of the Atreides and of generational differences.

©Giuseppe Distefano

La classe operaia va in paradiso


Teatro Grassi

Based on materials from the screenplay of Elio Petri’s 1971 film, the play is a reflection on the recent political history of our country.


©Rosellina Garbo

Bestie di scena


Teatro Strehler

Following the enormous success of last season, the return of the Beasts of the stage, a procession of primitive and fragile creatures

©Elizabeth Carecchio

Il cielo non è un fondale


Teatro Studio Melato

A stark set, the sky in the title suspended between dreams and urban reality. A dialogue between fiction and the outside world, the real world.

©Clarissa Lapolla

Scuola di Ballo Accademia Teatro alla Scala


Teatro Strehler

The return of the pupils from the Accademia Teatro alla Scala Ballet School, a test for younger and older pupils.

©Masiar Pasquali

Arlecchino servitore di due padroni


Teatro Grassi

The irresistible Harlequin, servant to two masters returns, the most seen Italian show in the world.

©Luigi Burroni



Teatro Studio Melato

The Odyssey becomes a popular tale, a blend of myth and daily life, Ithaca and Salento, told from the point of view of Telemachus, Ulysses’ son.

©Attilio Marasco

MIT Jazz Festival e Orchestra Senza Confini

Teatro Strehler

From January 2018, the 20th edition of Jazz al Piccolo with the Civica Jazz Band.

©Giulio Favotto

Socrate il sopravvissuto/come le foglie


Teatro Studio Melato

School and the forming of conscience presented through philosophy and tragedy.

©Stefano Fortunati

Questi fantasmi!


Teatro Strehler

Eduardo’s masterpiece returns to the stage, directed by Marco Tullio Giordana. A play about life, both real and behind a mask.

©Andrea Macchia

Chorós il luogo dove si danza


Teatro Studio Melato

Sixteen young actors and actresses present themselves to the world, as professionals and contemporary artists, as men and women of the present. 

©Sanne Peper

The year of cancer


Teatro Strehler

An impossible love. Two lovers who can neither live together nor apart, in a vortex of intimacy and distance, life and death.

©Marco Caselli Nirmal



Teatro Grassi

The scientists Bohr, his wife, and Heisenberg meet to clarify the mystery surrounding their meeting in Nazi-occupied Copenhagen.