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©Giuseppe Di Stefano

maggio '43 – BASE

Davide Enia tells of 1943, a crucially important year for Palermo and its people, discovering that those dark times tragically resemble our present.

©MoniQue foto

Pane o libertà


Chiostro Nina Vinchi

In a period characterised more by questions than answers, Paolo Rossi brings to the Piccolo a performance that calls for resistance and choice.

©MoniQue foto

Pane o libertà – Certosa di Milano

In a period characterised more by questions than answers, Paolo Rossi brings to the Piccolo a performance that calls for resistance and choice.

©Giuseppe Distefano

Pane o libertà – Giardino delle culture

In a period characterised more by questions than answers, Paolo Rossi brings to the Piccolo a performance that calls for resistance and choice.



Chiostro Nina Vinchi

In a performance of words and music, Massimo Popolizio presents the pages by Bulgakov on Pontius Pilate and Christ.

Pilato – Casa Jannacci

In a performance of words and music, Massimo Popolizio presents the pages by Bulgakov on Pontius Pilate and Christ.

Pilato – Cassina Anna

In a performance of words and music, Massimo Popolizio presents the pages by Bulgakov on Pontius Pilate and Christ.

L’amaca di domani unplugged


Chiostro Nina Vinchi

Michele Serra opens the doors to his trove of writings with a an ironic and sentimental theatrical stor in a special edition for the summer.

L’amaca di domani unplugged – Casa Chiaravalle

Michele Serra opens the doors to his trove of writings with a an ironic and sentimental theatrical stor in a special edition for the summer.

Marionette che passione!


Chiostro Nina Vinchi

A unique setting, with the puppeteers visibly moving the characters. A creation that brings together scenes from the most-loved plays.

©Lorenzo Piano

La vedova Socrate


Chiostro Nina Vinchi

A passing of the baton between two women of the stage: Lella Costa accepts the invitation from Franca Valeri to perform La vedova Socrate.

©Marco Macchiavelli

Alichin di Malebolge


Chiostro Nina Vinchi

A special kind of Harlequin, a “poor devil” who has wandered by mistake out of Hell, a wonderful performance by Enrico Bonavera.

©Attilio Marasco

Il suono


Chiostro Nina Vinchi

A key figure in jazz, Enrico Intra presents a brand new concert, the music for which was created during a period of “decisively creative seclusion”.

©Gianluca Moretto

Teatro fra parentesi


Chiostro Nina Vinchi

Marco Paolini returns to the origins of his work with an Album of short stories from the past and present.

Teatro fra parentesi - mare culturale urbano

Marco Paolini returns to the origins of his work with an Album of short stories from the past and present.