Sergio Escobar
Born in Milan in 1950, married, with three children, Sergio Escobar graduated ‘with honour’ in Philosophy of Science with Ludovico Geymonat at the Università Statale di Milano. As a university assistant he worked with Ruggero Romano on “Storia d’italia” published by Einaudi.
In 1979 he began working at the the Teatro alla Scala as assistant to the Superintendent with responsibilities including coordination between directors, supervision of the theatre’s activity abroad, and the introduction of new media in the world of musical production. Together with Claudio Abbado he worked on the foundation of the Scala Philharmonic.
Between 1990 and 1998 he was the Superintendent at the Comunale of Bologna, at the Carlo Felice of Genova and at the Teatro dell’Opera in Rome. During this period he collaborated with some of the most important artists and institutions from the world of music both in Italy and overseas.
Since October 1998 untill July 2020 Escobar has been held the post of Director of the Piccolo Teatro di Milano-Teatro d’Europa. Under his management the Piccolo has put particular emphasis on international relations.
He is the author of numerous publications on the History of Science and the Economics of the Performing Arts. He has taught in numerous master courses in prestigious universities, including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, the Showa University of Tokyo, the Università Luigi Bocconi, the Università degli Studi of Milan and the Milan Politechnic.
He holds a seat on the International Advisory Committee for the Master of Management in International Arts Management HEC Montréal, SMU Dallas.
He is a member of the board of the Union of Theatres of Europe, of which the Piccolo Teatro is Founding Member.
He is a member of the Aspen Institute Italy, of the Scientific Committee for the “Dialoghi di Vita Buona” at the Archiepiscopate of Milan, and a member of the Advisory Board to the Presidency of Assolombarda. Grand’Ufficiale al merito della Repubblica Italiana for his activities in the field of theatre.
Receiver of the Medal of Puškin of the Order of Merit of the Russian Federation for culture.