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© Jean-Louis Fernandez


written and directed by Caroline Guiela Nguyen 
translation in sign language, English and Tamil Nadia Bourgeois, Carl Holland, Rajarajeswari Parisot 
with Dan Artus, Dinah Bellity, Natasha Cashman, Charles Vinoth Irudhayaraj, Anaele Jan Kerguistel, Maud Le Grevellec, Liliane Lipau, Nanii, Rajarajeswari Parisot, Vasanth Selvam 
in video Nadia Bourgeois, Charles Schera, Fleur Sulmont 
voices Louise Marcia Blévins, Béatrice Dedieu, David Geselson, Kathy Packianathan, Jessica Savage-Hanford 
artistic collaborator Paola Secret 
stage design Alice Duchange 
costumes and high-fashion garments Benjamin Moreau 
lighting Mathilde Chamoux, Jérémie Papin 
sound Antoine Richard 
in collaboration with Thibaut Farineau 
original music Jean-Baptiste Cognet, Teddy Gauliat-Pitois, Antoine Richard 
video Jérémie Scheidler 
motion design Marina Masquelier 
hairdressing, wigs and make-up Émile Vuez
casting Lola Diane 
stage management Stéphane Descombes, Xavier Lazarini 
apprentice dramaturgs Louison Ryser, Tristan Schinz (students from the École du TNS, Groupe 48) 
apprentice director Iris Baldoureaux-Fredon 
apprentice sound technician Ella Bellone 
assistant dramaturg Hugo Soubise 
artistic consultancy Juliette Alexandre, Noémie de Lapparent 
recorded music Quatuor Adastra – quatuor à cordes 
surtitles Panthéa 

decorations, costumes and embroidery by the workshops of TNS – Théâtre national de Strasbourg 
LACRIMA by Caroline Guiela Nguyen is published by edizioni Actes Sud 

a TNS – Théâtre national de Strasbourg production 
co-produced with Festival TransAmériques, La Comédie – Centre national dramatique de Reims, Points communs – Nouvelle scène nationale de Cergy-Pontoise, Théâtres de la Ville du Luxembourg, Centro Dramático Nacional de Madrid, Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d’Europa, Wiener Festwochen | Freie Republik Wien, Théâtre de Liège, Théâtre National de Bretagne, Centre dramatique national, Festival d’Avignon, Les Hommes Approximatifs 
with the contribution of Odéon - Théâtre de l’Europe, Théâtre Ouvert – Centre national des dramaturgies contemporaines (CNDC), Maison Jacques Copeau, Musée des Beaux-arts et de la Dentelle d’Alençon, Atelier-Conservatoire National du Point d’Alençon, Institut Français de New Delhi and Alliance française de Mumbai

Recommended for audiences aged 16 and over
Some scenes include moments of physical and psychological violence 
A show in French with scenes in Tamil, English and sign language with Italian and English subtitles