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Il Mostro Turchino


Teatro Grassi

Fairy-tale atmosphere, satire and social protest in the new production by Colla based on Carlo Gozzi

©Gianluca Pantaleo

Il gabbiano

Progetto Čechov, first stage


Teatro Strehler

Unrequited love and lost illusions; Leonardo Lidi stages the first of Čechov’s great masterpieces

©Photo Luigi De Palma

Il crogiuolo


Teatro Strehler

A witch-hunt that, at its core, was a scathing condemnation of contemporary social psychosis; Filippo Dini takes on Arthur Miller

©Masiar Pasquali

Il barone rampante


Teatro Grassi

Il barone rampante by Italo Calvino, a story of freedom, courage and perseverance, comes to the stage directed by Riccardo Frati

©Sarah Melchiori | Festival Oriente Occidente Rovereto, settembre 2021

I Di/Versi


Teatro Studio Melato

A study on both civil society and poetry that takes its cue from the Madrigals by Monteverdi

©Masiar Pasquali


come una pistola carica


Teatro Studio Melato

Liv Ferracchiati has chosen Hedda Gabler by Ibsen to examine the relationship between social convention and the desire for freedom

©Masiar Pasquali



Teatro Studio Melato

Shakespeare’s masterpiece Hamlet returns to the stage in this version by Latella, with Federica Rosellini playing the prince of Denmark

Giochi di ottone

MITO SettembreMusica 2022

Teatro Studio Melato

The Teatro Studio Melato sees the return of the concerts from the MITO festival, in an edition dedicated to light; light of reason, of the spirit, of rebirth...


Gardenia – 10 years later


Teatro Strehler

One of the events celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Teatro Franco Parenti, an international “cult”, a tender, fun and moving play

Fuggi la terra e l’onde

Estate fuori scena

Sea and adventure occupy the same metaphorical importance in our imaginations

©Christophe Raynaud de Lage

FRATERNITÉ, Conte fantastique


Teatro Strehler

In a dystopian future, half of the human race has been wiped out by an eclipse; fraternity is the only way to sooth the pain of loss

©Lia Pasqualino

Ferito a morte


Teatro Strehler

Roberto Andò stages the masterpiece novel by Raffaele La Capria in a theatrical version by Emanuele Trevi

©2023 Luca A. D'Agostino / Phocus Agency


Breve storia del XX secolo


Teatro Grassi

Lino Guanciale, accompanied by the accordion of Marko Hatlak, looks back on the enthusiasm, tragedy and leaps forward of the 20th century

© Masiar Pasquali



Eleusi lasts for twenty-four hours, non-stop, from sunset to sunset, to then disappear

©Eva Castellucci

Edipo. Una fiaba di magia


Teatro Studio Melato

This first play by Chiara Guidi provides a re-reading of the legend of Oedipus as a magical fable tied to ancient fertility cults