A moving and visionary masterpiece by Pedro Lemebel, Ho paura torero, met with extraordinary success last season, returns to the stage in the theatrical version directed by Claudio Longhi. Lino Guanciale is the Fairy on the Corner, a sensitive and passionate transvestite, in a play that walks the line between dream and history, between eros and politics.
Teatro Grassi
The first direction for Claudio Longhi as director the Piccolo – and an extraordinary success for the 2023/24 season, with a total of 12,541 presences – Ho paura torero returns to the Teatro Grassi, with Lino Guanciale playing the sarcastic and moving Fairy on the Corner. 1986, in a Santiago crushed under the weight of patrols, the Fairy on the Corner (a passionate transvestite), the student Carlos (a militant from the Manuel Rodríguez patriotic front), General Augusto José Ramón Pinochet Ugarte and his faithful partner Lucia, lost in the disjointed chorus of the lazy and feverish city, dance, sinuous or stiff, their fatal and grotesque bolero with fate.
Claudio Longhi and Lino Guanciale have created a play that walks the line between dream and history, flights of fantasy and violent routine, and that also pays tribute to the ironic and impassioned, scathing and visionary, scandalous and subversive hand of Pedro Lemebel (1952-2015), an icon of queer and pop-camp literature of the Southern hemisphere. An account of the unavoidable parable of desire shot with eros and politics.
The performance on 11 March is surtitled, via Lyri App, in English for foreign audiences, and the performances from 21 to 23 March are surtitled in Italian and English for foreign and hearing-impaired audiences.
Duration: 185' intermission included
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ReadThe first direction for Claudio Longhi as director the Piccolo – and an extraordinary success for the 2023/24 season, with a total of 12,541 presences – Ho paura torero returns to the Teatro Grassi, with Lino Guanciale playing the sarcastic and moving Fairy on the Corner. 1986, in a Santiago crushed under the weight of patrols, the Fairy on the Corner (a passionate transvestite), the student Carlos (a militant from the Manuel Rodríguez patriotic front), General Augusto José Ramón Pinochet Ugarte and his faithful partner Lucia, lost in the disjointed chorus of the lazy and feverish city, dance, sinuous or stiff, their fatal and grotesque bolero with fate.
Claudio Longhi and Lino Guanciale have created a play that walks the line between dream and history, flights of fantasy and violent routine, and that also pays tribute to the ironic and impassioned, scathing and visionary, scandalous and subversive hand of Pedro Lemebel (1952-2015), an icon of queer and pop-camp literature of the Southern hemisphere. An account of the unavoidable parable of desire shot with eros and politics.
The performance on 11 March is surtitled, via Lyri App, in English for foreign audiences, and the performances from 21 to 23 March are surtitled in Italian and English for foreign and hearing-impaired audiences.
Duration: 185' intermission included
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Ho paura torero
by Pedro Lemebel
translated by M.L. Cortaldo and Giuseppe Mainolfi
theatrical adaptation Alejando Tantanian
directed by Claudio Longhi
sets Guia Buzzi
costumes Gianluca Sbicca
lighting Max Mugnai
visual design Riccardo Frati
musical costumes by Davide Fasulo
dramaturg Lino Guanciale
assistant director Giulia Sangiorgio
with Daniele Cavone Felicioni, Francesco Centorame, Michele Dell’Utri, Lino Guanciale, Diana Manea, Mario Pirrello, Sara Putignano, Giulia Trivero
Category of performance Piccolo Production
Stalls full price € 40 | Discounted (under 26 and over 65) € 23
Balcony full price € 32 | Discounted (under 26 and over 65) € 20
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For information on tickets for organised groups:
tel. +39 02 72 333 216
email promozione.pubblico@piccoloteatromilano.it