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©Marion Dallibert

La sostenibilità delle città dopo la pandemia | Thoughts

Chiostro Nina Vinchi

For more than a year, the pandemic has paralysed our experience of the city. This paralysis has forced us to realise that an alternative world is possible. 

Soudain l'été dernier


Teatro Strehler

A fascinating and enegmatic text, where “madness” leads to the deepest levels of reality.

Spartiti manzoniani

Teatro Grassi

In collaboration with Casa Manzoni, an anthological evening of readings celebrates the writer, the poet and the intellectual

Image Ehsan Mehrbakhsh

Stabat Mater


Teatro Grassi

Liv Ferracchiati returns to talk about the challenges of emancipating oneself from the maternal figure and finding one’s one place in the world

©Federico Riva

Stabat Mater


Teatro Studio Melato

The Sabat Mater of prayer is brought to modern times: Tarantino’s Mother is the tragic figure of a prostitute and single mother. 

Le stagioni russe in Italia - On the other Side of the Curtain

Teatro Strehler

An outstanding re-reading of the Three sisters by Chekhov, with which the volcanic director Andrij Zholdak plucks at the heartstrings of the audience.

Stefano Massini | Manuale di sopravvivenza

Teatro Strehler

Stefano Massini, con la complicità di Paolo Jannacci, racconta il suo nuovo libro Manuale di sopravvivenza. Messaggi in bottiglia d’inizio millennio 

©Magda Hueckel

Still Life. A Chorus for Animals, People and all other Lives



Teatro Studio Melato

Societies appear to be founded on the control and exploitation of lives that are considered superfluous; Still Life is an invitation to rethink the community

Storia di un cinghiale

Qualcosa su Riccardo III


Teatro Studio Melato

The Uruguayan author and director Gabriel Calderón comes to the Piccolo for the first time with his reflection on power and theatre

©Marco Borrelli



Teatro Studio Melato

Fantastic stories and real episodes: Massini, with live music by Paolo Jannacci and Daniele Moretto, tells stories both great and small.

©Marco Borrelli



Chiostro Nina Vinchi

People, places, episodes: on the backdrop of live music by Paolo Jannacci, Massini tells stories both great and small from daily life.

©Filippo Manzini - Foto di Filippo Manzini



Teatro Studio Melato

Fantastic stories and real events: Massini, with live music by Paolo Jannacci and Daniele Moretto, tells stories both great and small.