Through theatre, circus, dance, James Thierrée brings to the Piccolo a phantasmagorical pantomime which is a product of his original poetic universe.

An extraordinary theatrical project, an autobiographical account, a reflection on the eternal ties between personal stories and historical events.

Funambulatory, pyrotechnical, grotesque, sublime, disturbing and magical, The Master and Margarita by Bulgakov comes to the theatre.

Pure emotion: Lluís Pasqual directs Nuria Espert in the “classic” staging of the height of García Lorca’s poetry.

The last novel by Moravia comes to the theatre. A savage and unhealthy game between two couples in which definitive possession is impossible.

Valerio Binasco stages the irresistible comedy by Michael Frayn: what could possibly happen behind the scenes in a theatrical play?

The first appointment of MIT Jazz Festival is with Enrico Intra and Alex Stangione.

Based on a novel by Scerbanenco, the winning play of NEXT 2018/19 stages the story of a brutal murder which took place in Milan.

An examination of the theme of femininity carried out by an Italian choreographer with an Israeli colleague, accompanied by a signing performer.

The return to the stage of the play which marked the beginning of the theatrical work of an all-women’s company, Dentro/Fuori San Vittore.

The second appointment of the MIT Jazz Festival is with the Claudio Angeleri Ensembe in a concert dedicated to Italo Calvino.

A pressing, profound and topical tale to examine the current indescribable tragedy of the landings on the Mediterranean coasts.

Winner of the Silver Lion at the Venice Biennial, the show-event which offers a re-reading of Aeschylus, “grafting” it into contemporary life.

On the occasion of the International Flamenco Day, the Autumn Preview of the MilanoFlamencoFestival will be playing host to the Concha Jareño Company.

The MIT Jazz Festival ends with a tribute to Lucio Dalla, an artist who was particularly fond of Afro-American music.