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© Marta Cervone

Limited Edition



Nosedo, Porto di Mare, Corvetto

Theatre, architecture and urban planning in a project on changes in the suburbs of Milan, between the city and the countryside

©Maurizio Di Zio

De Living


Teatro Strehler

Ersan Mondtag, one of the most important German directors of the new generation, comes to the Piccolo for the first time with his latest work.


La locandiera


Teatro Strehler

Directed by Antonio Latella, Sonia Bergamasco is Mirandolina in the piece that, according to the director, «marks the beginning of contemporary theatre»

©Isabel Machado Rios

Los años



Teatro Studio Melato

A profound reflection on the gap that often exists between what we expect of the future and what actually happens

©Lorenzo Ceva Valla

Louise e Renée


Teatro Grassi

Bergamasco-Fracassi-Ragonese: based on Balzac, dramaturgy by Massini, a journey through the labyrinth of femininity.

Luce pastello

MITO SettembreMusica 2022

Teatro Studio Melato

The Teatro Studio Melato sees the return of the concerts from the MITO festival, in an edition dedicated to light; light of reason, of the spirit, of rebirth...

©Valerio Soffientini


Visconti secondo Testori

Teatro Strehler

On the 100th anniversary of the birth of Giovanni Testori, Orsini reads pages from Luchino, a rediscovered biography of Visconti

La lunga strada di sabbia

Il viaggio in Italia di Pier Paolo Pasolini

Teatro Grassi

Under the guidance of Federico Tiezzi, Sandro Lombardi, Monica Bacelli and Andrea Rebaudengo follow in the footsteps of the reportage by Pier Paolo Pasolini

Illustration Gabriele Lavia. Design Francesco De Marco

Lungo viaggio verso la notte


Teatro Strehler

Gabriele Lavia and Federica Di Martino in the masterpiece by Eugene O’Neill, the brutal and painful portrait of a dysfunctional family

©Umberto Favretto



Teatro Strehler

Macbeth is the tragedy of the evils of humankind, of the violation of moral and natural laws, of ambiguity, chaos, and the resulting destruction.



Teatro Grassi

The Compagnia Marionettistica Carlo Colla & Figli celebrates the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death staging his Macbeth.

©© LAC, Foto Studio Pagi - Foto di Foto Studio Pagi

Macbeth, le cose nascoste


Teatro Strehler

Carmelo Rifici directs a Macbeth with a Jungian twist, exploring the interiority of the actors and spectators.