La Sinfonica allo Studio
Corghi, Chailly, Campogrande
The Symphonic Orchestra of Milan proposes a diptych of concerts dedicated to contemporary composers and avant-garde language
La Sinfonica allo Studio
Gabriele Manca, Giovanni Bonato
The Symphonic Orchestra of Milan fills the Studio Melato with a blend of Viennese classics, 20th century compositions and contemporary works
La Sinfonica allo Studio
Larcher, Colasanti, Sciarrino
The Symphonic Orchestra of Milan proposes a diptych of concerts dedicated to contemporary composers and avant-garde language
La Sinfonica allo Studio
Maggi, Haydn, Zago
The Symphonic Orchestra of Milan fills the Studio Melato with a blend of Viennese classics, 20th century compositions and contemporary works
La Sirenetta (the Mermaid) provokes a reflection on love, the most difficult kind, that for ourselves and the body we live in.
It is the Piccolo’s “Christmas show”. SLAVA’S SNOWSHOW returns to bring snow to the holiday period on the stage of the Teatro Strehler
A form of theatre born of dreams and fables, magical and joyful, rich with hopes and dreams. The enchanting SLAVA returns to the Piccolo!
Poetic, universal and timeless, SLAVA’S SNOWSHOW, the show full of dreams and fables, returns for the Christmas holidays
School and the forming of conscience presented through philosophy and tragedy.
A “Dream” born behind bars, with young actors, both convicts and non, from the Puntozero company, which transmits an inebriating sense of freedom.
Charm and mystery, magic and sorcery: the Colla’s puppets perform Shakespeare's Dream, a new production for the Piccolo in 2018.
Sogno di una notte di mezza estate
(commento continuo)
Carmelo Rifici directs a cast of young actors in a contemporary re-reading of one of Shakespeare’s classics
Gabriele Lavia in the disturbing work by Dostoevsky that has accompanied him for his entire life, the story of a man who dreams of his own death
When the brutality of mankind reaches depths of unspeakable ferocity, music and poetry restores the dignity of a population.