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©Magali Dougados

Entre chien et loup



Teatro Strehler

A play that studies the sources of social violence, transforming the action on stage into a human laboratory

©Nairí Aharonián

El bramido de Düsseldorf



Teatro Grassi

A journey to Düsseldorf, a dying father, three unusual appointments, three deaths, self-denial, art, sexuality, and the search for God

©Tommaso Le Pera


Dove inizia la notte


Teatro Grassi

The extraordinary banality and disarming normality of evil in the imaginary clash between Hannah Arendt and Adolf Eichmann.

©Brunella Giolivo

Edward Albee

Chi ha paura di Virginia Woolf?


Teatro Strehler

Antonio Latella directs an extraordinary cast in the masterpiece by Edward Albee

©Masiar Pasquali - Foto di Masiar Pasquali

Edificio 3

Storia di un intento assurdo


Teatro Studio Melato

Claudio Tolcachir directs an entertaining and moving work for the Piccolo that examines the complexity of interpersonal relationships

©Javier Fergo


Milano Flamenco Festival 2022

Teatro Strehler

In 2022, the Milan Flamenco Festival is celebrating the 15th year of programming

©Masiar Pasquali - Foto di Masiar Pasquali

Doppio sogno


Teatro Studio Melato

Carmelo Rifici directs the young graduate actors from the Piccolo's School of Theatre in the disturbing masterpiece by Schnitzler.

Distant Lights from Dark Places | reading


Teatro Grassi

A radiodrama by Andrew Bovell, a concerted piece for four characters

©Vincent Bérenger

Deux amis



Teatro Grassi

A couple of actors rehearsing Molière, an embarrassing SMS; Rambert presents an examination of the conventions of theatre and the rules of emotion

©Masiar Pasquali

De infinito universo


Teatro Studio Melato

The play compares the infinite enormity of the universe with the most restricted confines of our human dimension.

©Magali Dougados

Dans la mesure de l’impossible



Teatro Strehler

Based on the first-hand experiences of a number of humanitarian workers, a play that tells of the fight for a better world

©Nairí Aharonián

Cuando pases sobre mi tumba



Teatro Grassi

A writer who has decided to kill himself, a young necrophile. An original reflection by Blanco on death, passion and eroticism 

©Maddalena Parise

Città sola



Chiostro Nina Vinchi

Via a QR code, spectators are able to listen to the work by Olivia Laing

Child of Tree / Branches | Laboratorio per l'infanzia


Chiostro Nina Vinchi

The importance of the relationship between the sounds produced by the environment and the organic nature, without artificial instruments, of music.

©Masiar Pasquali

Carne blu


Teatro Studio Melato

Federica directs her first play at the Piccolo with Carne blu - which she also wrote - drawing inspiration from Ariosto and Woolf.